-Log Entry-

718 20 69

"Log Entry 2, we had today received a specimen that's believed to have the ability to teleport, that's one of the rarest abilities any species or race of object can be born with. She was just brought in today to a little check up to start with, the thing is... she seems rather young to be a part of this study, everyone didn't question anything and even if I were to do so she was actually brought in by the lab's supervisor, so I unfortunately can't argue with a higher up. Well, if there's a chance her family had signed I suppose it can't be a problem..."

"Log Entry 9, I've been placed with the duty of tending to any wounds #EL/27-6.3 may get during these tough and physical tests, she's tends to get beat up quite a few times... poor thing. I usually made some silly faces to cheer her up during the times we're together. Now, I'm often told by The Goiky Lab 'Putter, do not get attached to the subjects', well you see as a married man & father that's a bit of a challenge... *chuckle* Me being cooped up in this lab is one thing as I work here to feed my family, but the fact that #EL/27-6.3 had to be brought away from her actual home for the sake of science hardly escapes me, "#EL/27-6.3"... Not really something a person would like to be called, I was never really good with names but I went with nicknaming the girl after her species, at least she likes it.   :)"

"Log Entry 14, apparently we're also testing the possibilities of objects gaining more abilities like strength, I was rather concerned to end up putting band-aids over Lil' Leafy's arms from these shots, none of the stuff we're putting in her seems to be having any harmful effects in fact they seem to be working, Leafy was now capable of throwing something bigger than her, but I still don't like this method. I can't even tell if teleportation is even the priority anymore as I haven't heard anymore progress on that..."

Tennis Ball: Golf Ball? There you are- 

Tennis Ball: Is.. is that..?

Golf Ball: *sigh* Yes, it is him... Now you know why I wanted to find this place.

Tennis Ball sits beside GB and puts his (prosthetic) arm over her in comfort.

Tennis Ball: What's this?

Golf Ball: They're video and audio notes made by Dad before all of this. These could give us an answer to what has happened here...

"Log Entry 15, So after some questioning I now know why there wasn't any known progress on studying the girl's teleportation, she hasn't done any of it. I'm unsure if she even can, maybe this is an ability one has to learn before being able to use. One thing I am sure of though is that the other scientists are done being patient, No one and I mean NO ONE better do something reckless."

"Log Entry 16...: *alarm* *alarm* (pants) Oh gosh... oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh. What have we done? What have they done!? I don't know what they injected in her or WHY they thought it'd be a smart decision, but now she's gone completely feral! Right now as I speak she could be trying to find a way out of the laboratory. The recovery centers have been reduced to scrap, everyone's dropping like flies I... I don't think I'll get out of here alive... There's a tracking device implemented in her forearm, a device looking like this can be used to locate her, use it to know where in this area she is and avoid her as much as you can. She can't be reasoned with in that state, I tried, that's why I'm hiding here... To my dear daughter Golf Ball if you're seeing this, I'm sorry I haven't gotten to be there for you growing up but I want to let you know, you can do grate things as long as you set your mind to it just be sure to keep other people in mind, I love you Golf Ball.  Tennis Ball, please take care of her. *SLAM* Grrrrr...   Wha- No wait! I never did anything to hurt you! If you can j-just c-calm down I can help you, I-I-I can... No! AAAAHHH- *SCREEEEECH*-"


The video cut off, it's clear as day what happened after that, GB put the video camera down trying to hold back her tears. She looks back to her father and stands back up.

Golf Ball: TB, see if you can find a shovel around here.

Tennis Ball: Huh? Why?

Golf Ball: My father was aware of the mistakes this lab has made, he had the least involvement in any of it but he still paid for it all like the others. He was still a good man, he at least deserves a decent burial instead of rotting in this hell with the dirtbags.

Tennis Ball nods in agreement and after walking far enough away from the near decrepit laboratory he digs a deep enough hole and helps Golf Ball put Mr. Putter's body in and fill it. Golf Ball then takes a lone nearby flower and places it down over him. The two stand in silence for a moment, Tennis Ball holding Golf Ball in his 'arms' as her eyes start watering again she buries face into his gut.

Tennis Ball: I'm really sorry Golf Ball...

Golf Ball: Don't be... *sniff* it's not your fault...

Tennis Ball: That beast they accidentally made seemed really dangerous, I'm kinda scared to think where it could be now though.

Golf Ball fist clenches and she slightly releases herself from Tennis Ball's hug, she then looks at the unknown device she took now knowing what it's for.

Golf Ball: Oh I know exactly where it is...

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Fun Fact! I foreshadowed this in one of the chapters of my DIA Fun Fact/Headcanons book #22 to be specific)

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