Secret search

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Tennis Ball's P.O.V:

Golf Ball: *whispers* TB, wake up.

Tennis Ball: heeh, huh?

Golf Ball: C'mon, everyone else is asleep... We can now execute our real and secret mission.

Tennis Ball: *yawn* Alright, alright... I'm up...

Me and Golf Ball both grab flashlights and our bags and sneak off into the woods, I sorta wish Golf Ball could supply a more exact explanation of what she's looking for. These dead yoyle trees are rather scary in the dark...

Crow: CAW CAW!

Tennis Ball: Ah-. Um G-Golf Ball... are you certain coming out here this far by ourself is a smart idea..?

Golf Ball: Don't so nervous Tennis Ball, there aren't any dangerous animals that live here, too little prey to feed on.

Golf Ball: That must be it!

Tennis Ball: What must be it- oh..

Golf Ball and I look ahead and find an old building slightly over grown by nature, the entrance looked to have been broken by something. 

Tennis Ball: Is this a.. laboratory??

Golf Ball nods.

Golf Ball: Yes, and it clearly looks to be abandoned. Let's take a look inside.

As we make our way into the abandoned lab it starts to get darker and darker, and what bad timing that my flashlight decides to die out.

Tennis Ball: Oh man, my flashlight's dead.

Golf Ball: Have you brought extra batteries?

Tennis Ball: Yeah, but I can't see what I'm doing.

Golf Ball: Then let's hope the electricity here still works.

Tennis Ball: Golf Ball... is it okay if I hold your hand?

Golf Ball: .... sure...

Tennis Ball: Gee Golf Ball, your prosthetic seems rather uh.. clammy..

Golf Ball: Um.. Tennis Ball...

Golf Ball flips a switch and the lights in the lab all turn on.

Golf Ball: That's not my hand.

I look beside me to see dead mutilated scientist and scream, the hand even fell off.

Tennis Ball: AAAAAAAHHH!

Golf Ball: Wow, that's quite... disarming...

The more me and Golf Ball looked around the more dead bodies and broken equipment we found, what the racket even happened here? Why weren't these people recovered? Even Golf Ball looked rather uneasy with the sights of dry blood on the walls and floor..

Tennis Ball: This is all too freaky. Urp, I think I'm gonna be sick..

Golf Ball's P.O.V:

Tennis Ball quickly ran off to find some sort of bathroom to vomit in leaving me here by myself.

Tennis Ball: *hurling noises*

Golf Ball: Uh okay, I suppose I'll to investigate myself from here on in.

I continue to search the lab and I did find some interesting things, one thing I noticed in one of the rooms was some sort of operating table with broken restraints, considering how most of the bodies are around here I take the scientists here were killed by an experiment gone horribly wrong.. I hope it's not around here anymore. I raided the cabinets for certain files that peaked my curiosity and even "barrowed" an unknown device from of the scientists here (well he's not gonna need it where he's at).

Eventually when I make a turn down yet another hall I find yet another dead body but something about it is different, for one thing it wasn't as gored as the others. I step in closer to examine the body and almost fall backward in shock and overflow of emotions. 

Golf Ball: Dad... no...

So this is what happened to him... I lay my head on his chest and start to cry, after draining my tear ducts for a moment I notice that Dad's hand is clutched upon checking he seemed to have been carrying some sort of camera/tape recorder. I try to pull myself together and turn it on, maybe this thing can show me what went down in this place.

~To be Continued~

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