Hospital Visit

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Normal P.O.V: 

Pin and Leafy are on their way to the hospital to see Firey, Coiny and Needle plan to arrive as well so the two girls decide to sit and wait.

Pin: And you kicked him to the sky? Wow, that makes my punishment look like mercy. I had no idea you were that strong.

Leafy: I was able to throw all  those knives your way wasn't I?

Pin: Fair enough.

Coiny: Hey girls, sorry we were almost late.

Pin: That's ok, let's go.

Once they arrived to the front desk they notice Saw and Gaty talking, Saw himself seemed nervous about something, Pin decided to bring Leafy and talk to them.

Pin: Hey guys.

Saw: Oh! Hi there Pin.

Gaty: Hey, what brings you here?

Pin: I'm just visiting Firey as well as Leafy, he's a really good friend to her.

Leafy: It's true, I have a lot to be grateful to him for.

Pin: What about you guys?

Saw: Um....

Gaty: It's ok Saw just tell them.


Pin, Coiny Needle: ....

Coiny: Wait so you're trans too? That's cool, you do you my dude UGH- I mean girl. 

Saw nervous look fades off and she smiles contently, after she's escorted by the doctor the group go to the desk to ask to visit Firey. As they exit the elevator to the correct floor Leafy starts to get a little nervous when they go through the hall.

Leafy: ....

Needle: Leafy, are you okay?

Leafy: The uh look of this place.. brings back bad memories... Distract me for a bit please.

Needle: O-Oh um okay, Uh... hear any good songs? (you moron, she's lived in the wild how would she even-)

Leafy: Safe and Sound puts me in a happier place.

Needle: Oh really?

Leafy: It's also the first song I've ever heard, Firey gave me a boombox to listen with and I'm glad he did.

They talked for a while until they reached the room Firey is in, somber looks land on their faces at the sight of the fire boy laying in the hospital bed motionless, the sounds of various hospital machines fills the room. Leafy quickly rushes to him and stares quietly.

Leafy: Firey... I don't know if you can hear me but it's me Leafy, Your uh friends that you've told me about have brought me here to see you. It's a bit of a long story but I'm getting to live here now, just like you planned. *sniff* I just wish you be here to witness my development...

The group each had a moment with Firey until Dr.Fizz arrived.

Dr.Fizz: Sorry kids but visiting hours are almost up.

Pin: Okay, c'mon Leafy it's time to go.

Leafy and the others start to head out when what is perceived as a miracle happened.

Firey: grghm.. ugh...

Firey twitches a bit before sluggishly rising from his hospital bed.

Firey: Ugh- what happened...? OOF-!

Firey flinches as the overjoyed lemon leaf tackle hugs him, but ignites as fast as she jumped at him.





Firey: Oh-uh.. what the-!?

Leafy ran in a small circle panicking when Pin nabbed a fire extinguisher and blasted it at Leafy to put her out with only the left side of her face scorched.

Coiny: Woah, Leafy are you ok?

Leafy: *cough* Yeah, I forgot I'm not metal anymore... haha..

Firey: Wait, Leafy..? I- Is that really you?

Dr.Fizz: Firey, you need to rest a bit.

Leafy: Yeah Firey, it's me!

Firey attempts to get out of bed and goes up to Leafy and gets a good look at her with wide eyes.

Firey: W-wow I just, You look so different I almost didn't recognize you. Wait.. what are you- how are you here?!?

Pin: We brought her here. Sorta of..

Firey: How...?

Pin: It's a long story. We'll tell you everything later.

Dr.Fizz: Kid, tell me what do you remember?

Firey: I uh.. I remember talking with Gelatin and then.. Ugh- my head just hurts thinking what happened next.

Coiny: Makes sense you were hit with an out of control car. 

Firey: How long was I out? 

Dr.Fizz: 3 and a half weeks.

Firey: 3 WEEKS? Oh my oxygen, Leafy I am so sorry, you must've been really upset that I wasn't returning I.. I-

Leafy: Firey, it's ok. That's in the past, I'm just happy you're still alive.

After Firey was given a check up to see if everything was ok the group exited the hospital together, Firey and Leafy were hand in hand.

Firey: Uh hey, do you guys hear something?

Pin, Needle & Leafy: No/ I don't think so../ Eeh.

Coiny: Maybe that coma damaged your brain even further! XD

Firey: Why you little-!

Faint male voice: aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!


Blocky: *groan*

Pin: ugh, a building block.

Coiny: Dude, what happened to you?

Blocky weakly raises his hand and points to Leafy before plopping it down again.

Blocky: uggh, Heerrr...

Firey stares to her confused of what had happened, and she holds her hand behind her head and chuckles nervously.

~To be continued~

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