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Normal P.O.V:

Cold... so cold... a room barley lit by one bulb... can' t... move... men in white coats have walked in... struggling...

???: Now now... this won't hurt a bit.

Leafy: NOO!

Panting heavily Leafy wakes up in a cold sweat, as she looks at her metal coated hands they're shaking.

Firey: Leafy! Are you ok?

Leafy: eh!?

Firey stands beside the bush she's been sleeping under wearing a yellow coat and hat as the rain has still been falling, he looks to her with a worried face.

Firey: I couldn't find you for a bit until I notice this bush rustling due to you shaking in your sleep. Was it a nightmare?

Leafy: ... Y-yeah, it was.

Firey: Do you want to talk about it? 

Leafy nods before getting up and approaching the unfinished shed.

Leafy: Let's just get this thingy done, I look forward to not having to nap in shrubs.

The two begin to work hard on the shed, after a few hours it's almost done. All that was left was a door, but for now Firey and Leafy sit down inside their own unfinished building to keep dry and eat a bit before making that door. Firey talks about what Leafy could have here to keep herself warm when the winter comes, however she doesn't seem to be listening.

 Leafy: Fiery... what are you tying to get out of this?

Firey: I'm sorry what?

Leafy: Why do you try to help me the way you are? Especially when I tried to kill you.

Firey: *sigh* Leafy, I'm not doing this for my own cause. My original idea was to bring you back to New Yoyle City with me but you said it yourself, you don't feel ready, So instead I thought that for now I'll try to make living here a little more bearable until you feel ready to come with me. 

Leafy: ...

Firey: *sigh* Listen Leafy, I don't know what exactly you went through and I don't want to have to force you to open up if don't feel comfortable for that yet. But I just don't think you deserve to suffer in these conditions, I have a lot of great friends back home that I think you'll love to meet, no one there is exactly "normal" so I wouldn't worry about fitting in if I were you.

Leafy: Friends... You've mentioned that a lot, what truly makes someone a friend?

Fiery: Oh, um... I guess what truly makes someone a friends is... uh.. someone who's willing to be there for you when times are tough, someone to fool around with to bring a smile to both your and their faces. I was kinda a little vague there but you know when you can call someone a friend when you know that they can trust you and you can trust them. You catch my drift?

Leafy: uh Yeah, I think I do.

Firey: Don't think so harshly on yourself ok? Now let's get this door put in.


Fiery: Huh, looks better than I thought it would. This would definitely beat being under a bush with a shotty campfire huh?

Leafy: Yeah! But.. do wooden walls really block out the cold?

Firey: Maybe not but we could gather up some stones and work on some sort of fire place behind that wall of the shed later. Oh wait before I have to go, I brought something.

Firey then goes off to his boat and comes back with a brown box with two grey circles and a switch and hands it to Leafy.

Firey: It's a wireless boombox, It's connected to NYC's radio station. They usually play all sorts of music or tell stories and I tested it myself on my way here, the far distance isn't an issue. I thought that it could break the constant silence of living here and add a little bit of entertainment.

With curiosity Leafy flips the switch and a song begins to play.

I could lift you up. I can show you what you wanna see and take you where you wanna be~

Firey: Oh that's one of my favorites.

You could be my luck, even if the sky is falling down I know that we'll be safe and sound~

We're safe and sound.~

Leafy sits by the boombox and listens in with a comforted smile.

I could fill your cup, You know my river won't evaporate this world we still appreciate, You could be my luck. Even in a hurricane of frowns I know that we'll be safe and sound.~

 (safe and sound) We're safe and sound, (safe and sound) We're safe and sound.~

 Fiery sits next to her with a content and proud smile knowing that slowly but surely he making her world a little more brighter.

(Hold your ground) We're safe and sound. (safe and Sound) We're safe and sound!~

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Sorry for the lack of uploads, I'm going through a bit of a burnout.)

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