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Normal P.O.V: 

The group stand there shaken from the everything that had just happened in a matter of minuets, Coiny grabs a stick and pokes the metal leaf's body (well what part of it wasn't crushed under the tree).

Coiny: Is.. is she...?

Gelatin: Dead? yeah, I'd say so... cause there's no surviving that.

Puffball: Y'know, this makes me wonder if the shed we saw was where this person lived.~

Coiny: Not possible, that shed didn't even exist last time we were here.

Pin: To be fair it's been many weeks since then and who knows, maybe that's what Firey was doing here. Either way I think we should investigate it to find out.

They then make their way to the shed and open the door to find not much, just a simple sleeping bag, an unlit fireplace at the very back, a switched off boombox and a bunch of knives some still jabbed in the wall most kept in a pile.

Gelatin: Not much of a homely place is it?

Coiny: No definitely not.

The group look around for any clues, Gelatin takes one of the knives and examines it, Puffball just took a cat nap on the sleeping bag while Pin Coiny and Needle looked around.

Gelatin: Hmm... *light bite* Hey, these knives are made of yoyle metal, via melting yoyle berries. Pretty crafty for a killer.

Needle: Hey guys! Look what I found in the corner of this place!

Pin: What did you find Needle?

Needle show her friends a bunch of papers and a box of used crayons, many of the papers had a tic-tac-toe game on them and the rest were drawn on with the crayons.

Coiny: Hey Tic-Tac-Toe, that's Fiery's favorite game.

Pin: These are also Firey's crayons, what are they doing here?

Needle: Maybe look at this drawing.

Needle lays down the paper for everyone to see, the drawing in question was of the metal leaf that attacked them and Fiery holding hands and the words "My first friend Firey..." written on the top in Green crayon.

Pin: That looks like Firey, and... our attacker smiling together?

Puffball: It says "My first friend Firey".~

Pin takes out the map/list of names Coiny got from Firey's house and with closer inspection and thinking, she made a realization.

Pin: Wait guys, what if that metal girl... was that 'Leafy' person mentioned on this paper?

Gelatin: Are you trying to say that Firey went back to Yoyleland to befriend her?

Pin: Yeah, and it seems to have worked, but then we killed her!

Coiny: Yikes, even I feel kinda bad about that.

Gelatin: YOU FEEL BAD? She tried to kill you guys and EAT ME! I'm not even that tasty! D: 

Needle: Hmm, there might actually be a logical explanation for that one. I picked up this plant biology book from the book store and listen to this, it says here that leaves depend on sunlight just as much as they depend on food for survival, and even rely on it much more than any other type of plant.

Pin: That makes sense, but there's hardly any sun here.

Needle: Exactly and there's more, scientists have found that if a leaf were to be deprived of sun for too long not only will they starve but they could also go into a hunting craze. 

Gelatin: So Leafy, decided to resort to cannibalism.

Needle: It is a very likely outcome. And seeing that she was metal by the yoyle berries, she was unable to get sun anymore despite how little there is here. I'm starting to think that she might've attacked us because she felt threatened and tried to defend herself.

Pin: Now I really feel bad... Fiery would not like this at all. We have to fix this.

Coiny: How'd you expect we do that, recover her?

Pin and Coiny: .....

Coiny: I gotta stop reading your mind like that...

Pin: Yes, yes you do. I have a Master Recovery Center at home, if her name is indeed Leafy I can simply input her name in the MRC's keyboard and should detect her death and recover her. 

Needle, Coiny & Gelatin: Good idea, I like it. / Can't argue with that logic. / As long as she doesn't try to eat me again.

Pin: Glad we all came to agreement. Puffball can you take us to my house?

Puffball: Yes ma'am, Let's goooooooo!~

The team climb back onto Puffball and ride back to the city.

~To be Continued~ 

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