For Petals Sake

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Normal P.O.V:

Firey, Pin, Bubble and Leafy stroll down the street on their way to Flower's Fashion Shop. A small bell chimes as they enter and behind the counter is Flower styling her petals humming to herself, she soon notices her customers and immediately goes up to them.

Flower: Hello there guys, what brings you here?

Pin: We're looking for a set of clothes for our new friend Leafy here.

Leafy: Hi there, Flower right? 

Flower: A fellow plant huh? Tell me, do you think I'm beautiful? 

Leafy: Hmm, you're definitely a pretty flower. Woah-

Flower lifts Leafy up and spins her around happily and Leafy laughs a little.

Flower: Oh now I KNOW we can be good friends!!

Firey: *sigh* (she's so biased...) So Flower, what would you recommend for Leafy?

Flower: Hmm... Oh! I could design something just for you, how about that?

Leafy: You make clothes?

Flower: Of course! I'll just borrow Leafy for a moment.

Leafy: Woah-

Before Firey Pin or Bubble could say anything about the idea Flower had already brought Leafy to her designing room.

Pin: I guess we'll just have to wait for them.

Meanwhile Flower attempts to make measurements.

Flower: Hm, do you mind removing your shirt for me? It's so I can get an actual measurement of your waistline.

Leafy: Uhh, I do mind actually... Can you not do something else?

Flower nods

Flower: Sorry but it is necessary. 

Leafy: ...

Leafy: Fine, but don't mention what you're about to see to anyone please.

Flower while confused nods agreeably as she removes her slightly over-sized shirt, when Flower wraps the measuring tape around Leafy she notices why Leafy was self-conscious about 'exposing' herself. 

Flower: That has to be the weirdest tattoo choice I've seen..

Leafy: Huh?

Flower: "#EL/27-6.3"? Isn't that what those numbers are?

Leafy: Oh uuh Yeah, totally a tattoo... that I regret having...

Leafy puts the shirt back on as Flower starts taking notes.

Flower: Y'know there are ways to get rid of unwanted tattoos.

Leafy: Really? How do I do that?

Flower: Oh, I don't know how to remove tattoos, I just know that there ways to remove them.

Leafy: Aww..

Back with Firey and the others, they are currently looking around the shop while waiting. Bubble finds a nice dress and decides to try it on in the fitting room leaving Firey and Pin together for a moment.

Pin: Hey Firey I want to talk to you about something.

Firey: Yeah Pin  what's up?

Pin: Well y'know that Leafy was... experimented on right..?

Firey: Yeah... wait she told you?

Pin: Yeah, she also has a serial number written on her arm, most likely from the scientists that tested on her.

Firey: She had a number on her? Huh, I never saw that. All I knew was that she had to uh kill the said scientists to escape.

Pin: Yikes, that is quite frighting.

Firey: Right? I feel bad for her, having to live a childhood like that.

Pin: Is there any chance she is...?

Firey: I don't think she was made in a lab if that's what you're questioning. I believe she might've been taken to be experimented on at a really young age since she told she never knew a family.

Pin: That's a fair theory. She doesn't exactly look like an artificial kind of leaf.

Bubble: Who doesn't look artificial?

Firey & Pin: YIPE. 

Firey: Oh, it's you Bubble. Just a uh privet conservation.

Bubble: Uh ok.

Pin: *whispers* Should we let the others know at some point?

Firey: *whispers* I think that should be for Leafy to decide.

Flower and Leafy soon walk out with Leafy wearing new clothes, a green sweater with a black tank top underneath, a darker green skirt, a pair of black leggings, she of course still wore the same slip-ons Firey gave her.

Leafy: Well, how do I look..?

Pin & Bubble: You look nice./That color really suits you.

Firey was stunned silent for a while until he snapped out of it and gave a subtle thumbs up with a smug grin.

Flower: There's more where that came from, just give me your home address and I can ship in others that I've made right to your door.

Leafy: Oh uuh..

Firey: She's living with me for now.

Pin: Oh right, you're taking custody now.

Flower: Oh. Well okay then. Anything else?

Bubble: Yoih I'd like to purchase this dress.

The group later take their leave and go their separate ways.

Firey: So next up I think we should get a Recovery Center made up for you.

Leafy: That can be done?

Firey: Sure, with the help of someone smart with technology. Luckily I know a guy who can do just that.

Leafy: Does he also know how to remove stuff like this?

Leafy rolls up her sleeve to show Firey her serial number.

Firey; I'm not sure, we can always ask him.

~To Be Continued~

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