"I'm okay," Haerin answered as she clutched her fists.

"Haerin-ssi, I know it scares you" I responded.

"No, just go!" She suddenly raised her voice at me.

"Huh?" I responded a bit confused.

"Y/n-ssi, please go. If you don't go then I can't be brave anymore!" Haerin angrily replied.

"Umm," I was at a lost for words.

"W- what do you mean?" I stuttered out.

"When y/n-ssi is around then Haerin can hide and cry and be scared in y/n's arms!" She suddenly said as flustered.

I was so confused why she was talking in the third person.... but suddenly, Haerin ran into my hands.

I could feel all the tension in her body started to relieve itself as I wrapped my arms around her.

I held her for a bit until I heard her sniffle. I pulled away to look at her and she had been crying.

"Is everything okay?" I softly asked her as I wiped away her tears.

"Thank you for coming to get me," Haerin sniffled out with teary eyes.

I placed a kiss on her forehead then kissed her nose and finished at her lips.

Haerin cutely giggled as she got a hold of herself then said, "I- I- I'm going to go back in class now."

I nodded then waved her goodbye.

I went back to my classroom all smiley that I got to see my cute girlfriend in the middle of class.

As the day went by, the rain eased and I wasn't too worried about Haerin-ssi.

That's until school ended....

The rain was pouring down so bad that even the normal kids were too scared to leave the school.

I started running through the halls trying to get through the dozens of crowds attempting to hide from the rain. I was trying to find Haerin.

Haerin wasn't at her locker so I ran down to see if she was by my locker.

I sighed when I found her in the hall where my locker was.... that'd until I noticed Jay start talking to her.

I angrily walked over to them.

Jay suddenly pulled something out his inner jacket pocket and handed it to Haerin.

Once I reached them, I pushed Jay back so he could have some distance from my girlfriend.

"What's this?" Haerin-ssi suddenly asked.

I turned to look at her and she was looking at a card, along with a heart shaped chocolate box.

I sighed in frustration.

"Are you trying to hit on my girlfriend?" I angrily asked Jay.

"I just- I've always liked her. She's so pretty and smart.... why do you think I was always teasing her?" Jay mumbled out.

"That wasn't teasing, that was bullying!!" I yelled in anger.

"And why the hell would you try to confess your feelings to a girl who is in a relationship!?!" I asked in frustration.

"I- I- I don't know!" He whined out.

I sighed and tried to recollect myself.

"Jay, get out of my face" I huffed out.

"Yes, Captain!" He answered respectfully then bowed at me and Haerin.

I turned to look at Haerin and she was looking at me with her big cat eyes. It wasn't just any look.... it was a look I never seen before.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked

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- Haerin POV -

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Y/n-ssi asked.

My heart was beating extremely fast, I couldn't take my eyes off y/n... as I thought about how y/n-ssi had made me feel today, I smiled.... and without even knowing, I whispered out...

"I think I love you."

Y/n-ssi started to blush with a light smile.

Y/n wasn't saying anything in return. So, I started to panick a bit. I couldn't breath and my ears started to become muffled.

"I love you too," Y/n-ssi finally responded.

I smiled like crazy as I took a deep breath.

I was relieved by y/n's answer. I couldn't help myself anymore and got up on my tippy toes to peck y/n's lips.

I was immediately filled with embarrassment as I realized this was the first time I initiated a kiss.

Y/n-ssi suddenly cupped my face as I tried to pull away and kissed my lips.

The kiss deepened and I shut my eyes tightly as I waited for the overwhelming feelings to ease.

After a few seconds, I felt more comfortable and at ease. Y/n-ssi gripped my hips and pulled me closer. The motion made me feel like I was going to lose my balance, so I lightly placed my hands on y/n's shoulders.

Suddenly, we heard someone clear their throat. We pulled away.... just to find Yoongi oppa standing in front of us.

"Come on, I came to save you two from the rain!" He sighed out.







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