Alani Marie Castillo
Oakland, CA.
2 days later.

"Gia, you'll be fine. Stop crying." Tiana rubbed Gia's back as she sobbed.

I just shook my head as I spoke to them on FaceTime. Gia confronted Herbert about the cheating allegations and surprisingly, he came clean about everything. Of course it was hard for her to believe but I'm just glad he was man enough to admit to everything, now she can decided if she wants to be with him or not.

"What am I supposed to do now, y'all?" She sniffled. "I was planning on spending my life with this nigga, and there he goes messing it all up."

"Gia, listen. I think you need to focus on yourself for now. Let Herb miss you a bit, maybe he'll appreciate you more if he doesn't have that access to you anymore." I advised.

"No! Don't even think about taking that man back, Gia! He's not ready to be loved by a woman like you." Tiana intercepted.

Of course she'd say something like that. She hates Herb for real.

"Tee, I love him and I can't even see myself with anyone besides him." Gia said.

I felt that right there. Your heart can't help who it wants.

"Okay, the two of you can be delusional together. I want no parts!" Tiana hysterically said. "Lemme go ahead and start packing for tomorrow. Can't believe the Warriors are down 0-1." She mumbled to herself.

I wonder how Wardell is feeling being down 0-1 in the Finals. I mean, it's only Game 1 and the series could go either way but I know that he hates to lose. We've texted briefly over the past few days because I didn't wanna bother him. He should be locked in right now. Zero distractions.

"Lani, you coming to Toronto?" Gia asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know yet."

"Let me know if you do decide to come because I can't be stuck with Tiana for too long. She's mean." Gia joked.

"I'm not mean. I'm just honest. Someone needs to bring y'all delusional asses back down to earth." She said, matter-of-factly.

"We're not delusion, we're lovergirls. We love love." I defended.

"Period!" Gia co-signed.

"I'm so done with y'all, goodbye!" Tiana walked out of the frame and Gia and I said our goodbyes.

The night was still young so I decided to watch some TV. ESPN was on and of course they couldn't wait to shit talk the Warriors.

I really should check on Wardell.

Before I could do that, there was a loud knock on my door.

"Ally." Wardell smiled at me then entered my house with a suitcase trailing behind him.

"What is going on?" I watched Wardell put his suitcase by the staircase.

"I'm spending the night." He nonchalantly replied and went to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Wardell, what the fuck?"

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