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PORSCHE is a bardenter and an university student. He live with his uncle and brother, his uncle is an alcoholic. Porsche always gets beaten up by him if he don't give him money. His brother PORCHAY who is in highschool, he wants to be an musician. Porsche earns money and saves them for Porchay. He divides them in half and give some money to his Uncle. Porsche would have left his uncle a long time ago but due to his parents dead he couldn't. He was living in sorrow after his parents died

The only thing that Porsche didn't know was how his parents died?. One day he heard his uncle talking to someone on phone about his parents death, he heard him saying everything how his parents died and everything!


"I wanted to share something related to my nephew's parents"

"Yeah sure"

"I never told him how his parents died and it is like a burden to me so i wanted to share with you"

"Go ahead"

"They left for a trip and on their way someone killed them and i know the person who killed them"


"You remember our high-school senior Korn. He killed them, he threatened me and told me to give there location to him. If Porsche will find out about this. I don't know what will happen"


Porsche was helpless, he couldn't ask anyone to help him and the only thing that people would say *Let it be now! They died a long time ago, bringing up the topic about how they died won't make your parents alive*. But he never gave up, he promised to himself that he would find the killer by himself.

The life he was living was soo hard to live. He wanted to disappear from this world but he don't want his brother to be alone. He don't want his brother to face the problems in this young age. He want his brother to be happy always but deep down he knew his brother is just putting an act of being happy. Seeing him smile was enough from him

{At Bar}

Porsche was cleaning up the bar before leaving, he heard some noises from outside but he didn't minded that at all. Suddenly the door opened and a guy entered, he was breathing heavily and was sweating alot. He asked Porsche to help him, Porsche was good at fighting. He could fight, he usually participate in boxing matches to earn money

"Help me"



The guys entered in the bar, they were almost 5-6. Porsche looked at them and slightly smiled at them

"Just a minute"

He excused himself to get something but they were about to attack again. Porsche grabbed a wine bottle that was on the table and smashed it on one guy. The others backed off as they saw his actions

"I told you guys to wait. Didn't i?"

"Don't get on our business. We just want the guy who is behind you, that's all"

One of the guy said to Porsche. He looked at them and half-smiled

"Do you know him?"

"Yes we do"

"What's his name?"



Porsche looked behind the person and whispered to him what's his name.

"Hey! What's your name?"


He whispered back to him and Porsche turned around to look at the guys. The guys were glaring at him, they all had knife in their hands

"So what were you guys saying? His name is Dean"

"Right, Give him back to us"

"Well unfortunately his name is not Dean"

"How do you know?"

"Why would I not know my own friends name?"

"He is your friend"

"Yes, why?"

"Look you don't know who is he so give him back to us"

"Right i don't know much about him. Well i will give him if you all can beat me in one thing"

"In what?"


"Do you know who we are?"

"Gangsters or Drugist"

One guy went to Porsche and was about to stab him but Porsche kicked his legs which made that person to lose his balance and he falled back. The others tried to attack him but failed, they all ran away from there and Porsche gave his hand to Kinn to get up

"Thanks for saving me"


"Give me your phone, i will transfer them"

"Get out"


"Get out from here. I have to close"

"A-ah Yes"

Kinn went outside and waited for Porsche to come out. His men's were nowhere to be found. As Porsche came out, he looked at Kinn and blinked at him

"Why are you still here?"

"Can you give me your phone?"


"I need to call someone"

"To kidnap me!"

"No, i have to go home"

"Ok. Here"

He handed him his phone and waited. While Kinn was talking on phone, Porsche saw someone was capturing some pictures of Kinn and Him.

He went towards the guy and catched him red-handed. He took away his phone from his hands and called Kinn to come here

"Heyyy! Come here"

"Your phone"

"Do you know this guy?"


"You sure!"

"Ofcourse I am"

"They why was he clicking pictures of you and me"

"How i am supposed to know that? Tell him"

"Well he said he knows you"

"What? I-i don't know him"

"If something happened, you will be the one i will reach to"

Porsche deleted the pictures and let that guy go, Kinn was staring at him blankly. He zoned out for a minute until he heard the car horns and someone calling him. He looked behind him and saw his bodyguard. Before he went back, he asked Porsche

"What is your name?"


"Thank you Porsche"

"Never thought i will help a mafia"

Porsche whispered to himself and left from there.

Porsche knew all about the mafia's along time ago, his friend *jom* who was learning hacking and creating illegal links to help Porsche to find his parents killer. He knew about Kinn too and all about his family but the only thing that he doesn't know is Kinn's father name. He was having a gut feeling that Kinn's father might have killed his parents. First the last name matches and he also went the same University as his Uncle.

He was quite happy that he was able to help someone but he didn't know what was about to come to him


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