The newness of it all made Isabela's skin shiver with exhilaration.

Exploring something together without fears.

She was only afraid to let go and to realize this wasn't genuine.

But ultimately she had to part with the warmth to get air, panting heavily as she instantly felt overwhelmed with a crescendo of emotions and she couldn't stop herself from crying.

She frantically searched for Elena's eyes once again hoping to still find in them something, to confirm that she had meant it.

But Elena was staring blankly at the ground with a slight frown.

Isabela began to feel nervous and unsure of everything, the fuzzy and warm sensations she was feeling just seconds ago quickly died within her beating heart.

"I-I should go" She murmured small and heartbroken

"No" Elena held her hand firmly "I...I'm sorry I-feel..." She mumbled dazedly "Like I'm floating" A loving smile slowly spread through her face

"Um i-it was my first kiss" Elena hesitantly met her gaze

Isabela reeled feeling muddled, Elena's words echoed in her ears.

Had it truly been just a dream?

"It's your...F-first kiss?"
Isabela asked breathlessly, it didn't make sense...Had she not kissed her boyfriend before?

Her boyfriend...It suddenly dawned on her that Elena had a boyfriend.

She took a forceful step back prompting Elena to let go of her hand.

"Yes" Elena looked around trying to find the courage "Can we sit down?"

Isabela managed to nod

They walked away from the trees and into a sheltered area settling down onto the dry grass

Elena blinked back tears as she found her voice "There's something you should know" She paused to steady herself "The truth"

Isabela awaited patiently even though it was torturing

"Uh...Eduardo, he is not actually my boyfriend"

Isabela's body slightly shuddered, she was having trouble comprehending what it all meant "I don't understand" She muttered under her breath

"I-I...Well I don't like men" Elena exhaled anxiously

In that moment everything came out loud and clear.

"I've known since I was little" She began with a slight quaver

"I met Eduardo awhile ago when he visited Mexico and within some time we became good friends" She paused to keep her voice stable
"After I turned eighteen my family started to subtly pressure me into looking for a right man to date, my friends all had boyfriends so I was the odd one out...Apparently for them I was too old to still be single, which was absurd...But I was exhausted from all the insinuations and meddling from them...Well mostly from my own parents who were dead set on finding me a match.
So one day in a frenzy I confided in Eduardo who to my surprise took it extremely well and then offered to pretend to be my boyfriend, it turned out that his family was also pushing him into settling down with a girl but he just wasn't ready to commit to a real relationship...At the end it would benefit both of us. So we made a deal to fake date until the circumstances called for"

Isabela stared in shock at Elena after the revelation, it took a few minutes to throughly wrap her head around it.

And still then she couldn't believe this was happening...To hear that Elena was also like her made her chest tight in a sense of fulfilling thrill.

"I thought that everything would be simple...That I could just pretend all of my life and be happy with being alone ...But then I met you...And I began to imagine a different future"
Elena toyed with her hands clearly feeling vulnerable

Isabela reached for her bouncing hands at last, she couldn't express all of the intense emotions she was feeling with words, so she daringly leaped into her arms and kissed her earnestly and passionately, sealing every doubt in their hearts.

Their lips fit perfectly.

And for the first time in her life Isabela didn't feel like she was someone abnormal who had a rooted sickness that needed a cure.

She was just a girl, simply in love.

"Did you really mean what you said?" Elena looked at her nervously "That you're um...In love with me?"

"With all my heart" Isabela smiled in a whispered sincerity.

"I love you too" Elena rested her forehead against hers before kissing her one more time.

Enchanted feelings Where stories live. Discover now