Suddenly, Kang Haerin-ssi stopped walking.

She then turned to look at me and took something out her backpack. She handed me a notebook then grabbed the umbrella from me and walked inside a building.

"Huh?" I thought to myself as I looked at the notebook in confusion.

I then noticed I had no umbrella and was starting to get soaked. So, I started running down the street to my house.

By the time I arrived home, I had tears running down my cheeks. Suddenly.... a lighting started to crackle through the sky and I screamed.

Brother Yoongi quickly opened the front door for me and let me in. He looked panicked when he saw me soaking wet so he ran into the bathroom and came out with a towel.

"Where's your umbrella.... you know the rain isn't safe?" Brother Yoongi asked coldly.

I sighed as I remembered that Kang Haerin-ssi took my umbrella without even asking.

I then took off my uniform and took a warm bath. After that, I walked into my room and noticed the notebook Kang Haerin-ssi had given to me.

I sighed and looked through it.

It was almost full. I went through the first 10 pages a bit confused..... then, I noticed all her pages after the first 10 had doodles all around the borders.

I furrowed my eyes as I looked through the notebook. Eventually, I got bored and started yawning.

I got up from my bed and tossed the notebook aside so I could turn off the light on my desk. Suddenly, I noticed a page with the title of Haerin-ssi and I's project.

I walked up closer to look at it and read it. It was all a super detailed summary of our topic... along with step-by-step instructions on how she'd present her part..... there also seemed to be a dialog for me.

I looked over it for a second but got too tired to actually read it. I tossed it on my desk then just went to bed.

The next day, I was walking to practice when I noticed Haerin-ssi open an umbrella..... my umbrella... and started to walk out of the school campus.

I didn't think much of it until I had to run back home like if I could dodge rain drops.

"You're all wet!! Where the hell is your umbrella?!!?" Brother Yoongi yelled at me as I got home all wet again.

I sighed a bit then broke down to my knees.

"Someone took it!" I cried out.

"Who?!? I will go beat their ass RIGHT NOW!!" Brother Yoongi yelled.

I just sighed and got up from my knees.

"Who took it?!" Brother asked.

I sighed out again and took off my shoes, not answering him.

I went into my room and got ready to take a bath.

I was really thirsty so I went into the kitchen. I noticed Brother Yoongi was in the kitchen looking at his old year book.

It was a sad habit brother had.

When he felt down... he would pull out his year book and look over it. On his final day of high school.... he had asked our parents to sign his year book.

He said that because they spent so much time helping him try to learn everything throughout his high school years.... that they were basically his classmates..... that he wanted all of his classmates signatures.

Three weeks later.... they died....

Brother always looked at that yearbook for comfort.

I drank my water then took my shower.

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