"Well, well, well!" Chaney appeared out of nowhere. "You actually did it. Even though it took you like 10 years." She added, making my entire family look at her crazy.

"Lani, who the hell is this?" Gia asked, looking ready to put paws on Chaney.

"This is Wesley's sister, Chaney." I said. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see exactly what it is you're leaving my brother for. The clothes are cute but you're actually not gonna make it far. I mean, it looks cheap. Who would want to wear that?" She adds while examining the clothes on the rack.

This is high end quality, bitch.

"Bitch, the only thing that looks cheap in here is you." Tiana stood my side protectively.

"I see you've finally found where you belong." Chaney sarcastically said.

"You can say whatever you want about me but you will not disrespect my family. Do you understand?" I warned.

I was sick and tired of people always ruining triumphant moments in my life. Like, go on somewhere.

"You know if you lay a finger on me you're done for right? Like, this fake brand shit you got could be over in a matter of seconds. So I suggest that you don't try me." She took a step forward and got in my face. "You built this with my family's money anyways, it's only right that I come check on our investment." She said and I scoff at her foolishness.

If ignorant was a person, it'd be her.

"The funny thing is, I don't even think you know how to spell 'investment'. All you've done in your 25 years of life is find new ways to spend daddy's money." I glance at her more round looking figure. "You're looking a little bigger than normal. Are you pregnant or is that daycare in your stomach making you a little bloated." I snapped, making Gia snicker beside me. "I've had enough of your family tormenting all these years and y'all need to let go cause all of y'all are obsessed at this point!"

"Alani, I'm actually glad you're leaving my brother. You know, so he can find a real wife. One who comes from a good home, one where the father is present preferably." She smirked.

In that moment, I wanted to lunge at her but I knew weak hoes like her loved to press chargers.

"If you don't leave my store right now, I'll show you why they warn you about fatherless women." I said firmly, making Chaney back up.

"You're so-"

"Say one more thing and I'll drag you by that ugly ass weave." Gia threatened.

"Aren't you G Herbo's girlfriend?" She motioned to Gia who had Herb standing behind her. "I could've sworn one of my friends fucked him in Vegas last week." Chaney said.

Gia lost it and charged towards Chaney but luckily Herb and Wardell were there to hold her back.

"You so lucky they're holding me back! I was finna rearrange your face so bad, not even your favourite surgeon could fix it. Fake ass bitch!" Gia yelled, getting the attention of some of the partygoers.

"Yeah, keep talking. You look dumb as fuck holding a man down who's for everybody." Chaney barks back.

Talking all that shit from like 10 ft away. Scared ass.

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