"You must be joking ma'am. How can you give birth to seven children and they are all boys, how is that possible? Seven boys and you are still alive, where you made of a machine?"

"Bit-Na"​ Mr Park called giving her a knowing look.

Mrs Kim chuckled trying to control her laughter, for some reason she seems to connect with the little girl.

"Yeah they are my sons," Mrs Kim said pointing at the boys who were throwing looks at the girl.

Except for Seokjin who has been quiet, silently staring at the girl, and he can't tell why.

"Sorry for the late introduction, let me introduce you to my son's" Mrs Kim smiled and turned to her left side "That's Kim Seokjin, my eldest" 

​​​​​Seokjin just stared not showing any facial expression nor did he break eye contact.

Bit-Na bit her lips noticing his quiet state, and she just gave out a head nod.

"Kim Yoongi, the second," Mrs Kim said pointing at the blonde male who had a poker look that lacked feelings.

For some reason, he gave her the chills and for a minute there she got intimidated.

"And you called me the brat, seriously?" 

Mr Park nudged her, glaring at his daughter.

"Kim Hoseok and Namjoon, my first twin" Mrs Kim directed her gaze to the both sitting at the far edge of the table.

Hoseok just sat still not saying anything.

Bit-Na scoffed glaring at him; "I know you don't like me but you can at least pretend to"

Hoseok chuckled throwing daggers at her.

Namjoon gave out a small smile but his dimples were so visible.

"Those cute dimples don't suit you a bit, heck of you calling me a guy"

"And to my second twin, Kim Jimin and Taehyung"  She pointed to the males sitting at the far edge on the right side.

One had a cheeky smile and the other looked a bit little out of the world.

"No word to you because you are a bit cute," She said returning the smile.

Her facial view changed when she made eye contact with Taehyung.

"Yah? My name is Park Bit-Na, not Yah, so you know" 

Taehyung chuckled speechlessly.

"And then my Last born, Kim Jungkook. He is almost the same age as you"

"You heard that kiddo, you should learn to respect your elders get it?" She said giving him a scary look.

"Elder my foot, who said you are older than me?" He queried summoning his courageous side.

"You are dumb aren't you? Your mom just made it clear and you still don't get it?" Bit-Na sighed.

"Yah! If you have any problem take it out with us, don't call him a dummy, understood?" Taehyung spat defensively 

Bit-Na clapped her hands quite amused by the scene.

"Older brother to the rescue and I told you my name isn't Yah. Oh my gosh, don't tell me I am gonna leave under the same roof with these guys" 

"Welcome to the family, Bit-Na," Mrs Kim said diverting the bicker.

"With these guys, it is not a family, it is war," She said the last part glaring heavily at the maknae lines.

Jungkook smirked secretly giving her the middle finger.

"Bring it on, sister" 

Seokjin sighed giving his stiff neck a rub,

"We finally got to meet everyone, I think I will skip the dinner part," He said drawing everyone's attention.


"Please excuse me" He grabbed his coat, giving a slick smile to his brothers as he wandered off.

His mere being looks like someone whose mind was running through a lot.

Mrs Kim sighed not in the mood to lecture him.

"Shall we carry on with dinner?" 


The boys sighed their legs giving out as they plopped down to the nearest chair.

"Are we seriously going to end up living with that brat?" Jungkook asked.

"Weren't you the one happy that mom was getting remarried?" Taehyung asked dropping an octave.

Jungkook sighed, his hands running furiously scratching his hair.

"I was thrilled before but not anymore. Mom didn't mention anything about him having a daughter and you want to tell me that brat will be my stepsister? Never!"

"What do you plan on doing now? There is nothing we can do, the wedding date has been scheduled" Jimin chipped him sounding the reminder bell.

"Is there no way to stop it?" Hoseok suddenly asked.

"Are you going nuts Hoseok? How do you intend on stopping a marriage?" Namjoon asked with a small glare.

"Then what do you expect us to do hyung? I did not lose a sister so that she will be replaced with that nincompoop" Jungkook frustratingly spoke.

"Beats me," Jimin said.

"Do you have any better suggestion aside from this hyung ?" Taehyung asked his gaze shifting to Namjoon.

"You guys shouldn't turn this on me. I was merely stating a fact and nothing else. Now tell me how do you want to stop a marriage that will hold in a week?" Namjoon backfires.

"It is better worth it than not trying and where is hyung, he should be here for the plan to work out" Jungkook lamented.

Yoongi sighed his head rolling back as he lazily watched his siblings fight hopelessly.

"Can you guys shut up for a minute? Arguing with each other won't solve anything, Mom is yet to get married and you are all turning miserable. Do you want to give it a try Jungkook? Then go ahead! The Dad you wanted is coming on your way, so stop complaining and face it. And Jin hyung is not Jesus, he has a lot to face aside from joining in your childish game. So give him a break, ok?" Yoongi stood up and strolls to his room.

The boys gulped down surprised by the reaction of their hyung.

"Did we say anything wrong?" Jungkook innocently asked biting down his lips.

This is like putting Cat and Dog in the same place, who is excited to see more?


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