T w e n t y - f o u r

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Yasu's POV

A sweat rolls down my face. What?

"Now the question is..." Uppermoon one starts. "Are you... my descendant... or his descendant...?"

A string of biwa is struck. We're teleported to the meeting place.

This isn't going well.

Kokushibo drops me mid air, and I fall with a loud thud. I look around to see all the uppermoons kneeling down. That can only mean one thing.

"What is with all this commotion?" Muzan sneers. "I hope it's about the blue spider lily."

Blue spider lily?

"No sir..." Uppermoon one replies.

I glace up to see Muzan staring at me. He narrows his eyes.

"You came right to your death, human. Surely you weren't stupid enough to walk right into the demon's hideout." He says with a cold tone.

"Actually," I stare right back at him. "I was stupid enough to walk right in here."

I see something unexpected in his eyes. It looks like he's looking right through me. Is he scared? Hell yeah! I'm scaring the demon king, what could be better?

"Muzan-sama?" Kota mumbles. Muzan turns his gaze on her, giving her a glance. She shuts her mouth.

Muzan flicks his wrist, sighing.

"Yasu..." Uppermoon one speaks up. "What kind... of breathing style... do you have...?"

I blink.

"Oh yeah! You never told me what your breathing style was." Kota claps her hands together.

Didn't I tell spider already? Did he already forget?

Meh, whatever.

The three strongest uppermoons circle me. Um.

"Why would I tell you guys?" I scoff, crossing my arms.

"Just spit it out before I snap your head open." Uppermoon five snarls.

What did he just say?

I grab my sword and get onto my feet. I walk right over to him.

He scane me up and down. "You can't kill me, weakling."

I feel the veins popping out to my skin. Sun breathing, here it goes.

I bring up my sword and bring it down in less than a blink. His arms fall onto the platform with a thud.

His eyes widen and he wince in pain. "Why does it burn?? Why can't I regenerate?? You used some stupid poison, right, human?" He groans, grabbing onto his shoulders.

"I don't use lame poison." I shoot back, teeth gritting.

"Perhaps..." I hear uppermoon one. I turn around to face him. "Sun breathing...?"

I frown. "How do you know so much?" I raise my sword to point it directly at him.

"So... you use Sun... breathing...?" He asks. He completely ignored me! I clench my jaw together, but try and ease myself.

"Since you want to know badly, yes. I sometimes use Sun breathing." I answer.



"Why are you so curious about everything I do!!!"

His mouth falls silent.

I decide to change the subject. "So okay." I'm not sure if this is the right information, but "I'm your descendant. Am I suppose to call you grandpa?"

𝞖𝙞𝙨 𝙐𝙣𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙩//𝙆𝙣𝙮//𝙁𝙁//𝞐𝙐Where stories live. Discover now