Chapter 18

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Time jump a few months almost the end of senior year. Everything has been good with the couple and carina has been living with maya and her parents for a while now. But it's almost time for the couple to both go to college...

Also I know the time jumps don't make sense in this nor the ages just ignore that. Thanks.

When I say a song Titel start playing it. Only if you want to of course.

Carinas pov:

   I've been living with my girlfriend for almost 4 months now and it's been so awesome. Schools almost over soon and Mayas been on edge lately. I think not having a place to get away from her dad to is hard for her because she always came to my home with mar if he was being his normal douche bag self to them.

   I wanted to do something for maya today. Her dad was leaving for a few days for a work trip and I know she was hesitant leaving Marley here with them without her making sure he doesn't hurt her.

   Before Maya got up I went to talk to her mom about my plan.

"Hey Mrs bishop I was wondering if-"  I said before I was cut off

"Carina honey please call me Katherine your like another daughter to me hon." Katherine said sweetly. She was a totally different person when lane left.

"Okay uh Katherine could you maybe watch Marley for Maya and I tonight. Mayas been a little stressed out with school and jsut everything lately and I really want to do something nice for her if you wouldn't mind." I said nervously.

"Of course I can car. I can take her around lunch time and then till as long as you guys want if your okay with that?"

"Oh my god that would be perfect thank you so much!" I screamed as I made my way to give her a hug.

  I made a coffee for myself and maya and brought that up along with a few pieces of pancakes cut up for Marley.

  When I got to Mayas room I saw she was still asleep. I set the coffee on her night stand and sat on the edge of her bed. I lightly brushed her hair out of her face and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"Mm- morning." Maya said all groggily.

"Good morning bella." I smiled and kissed the tip for her nose as I moved up.

"Will you please stay and cuddling car?" Maya said sadly as she pulled me back down with her.

  "Ofcourse baby. I have a surprise for you today." I smirked.

  "Hmmm suspicious." Maya giggled.

  The rest of the morning we spent laying in bed in each other arms until I remembered I brought her coffee. We started getting ready around eleven knowing Katherine was going to take Marley around noonish.

  "Can you just tell me where we are going? Pleeaseee?" Maya tried to act all whinny to get me to tell her but that wasn't happing.

  "Nope." I simply said and maya started to pout. "Don't pout, I'll turn this car around right now and you'll have to change diapers all day." I think saying that was enough to stop maya from pouting cause she install smiled and sat up pretending to have fun.

It wasn't too long after that we pulled up to a building. I rented an air bnb for us. You may ask how did I do that. Well Katherine helped me a little because she knew Maya needed a little break.


Mayas pov:

  When carina pulled up to a random house I was really confused. Is she trying to kill me or something?

"Carina what is this?" I asked skeptically.

"It's ours for the night. Just you and me. No crying kid. No annoying mom. Just us." Carina said and I kissed her.

I was truly so happy with carina she was so good to me and just someone I knew I'd always need but i don't know how much longer it's going to be like this. When college starts we won't see each other much.

"Can I ask you something serious?" I said nervously. Carina nodded letting me know to continue.

"What's going to happen when high-schools over? We're both going straight to college and then I'll be in fire academy. Marley will be two. What's going to happen?" I ask. Tears slightly forming in my eyes at the thought of us splitting.

"No matter what happens between us I know I will always find my way back to you maya bishop. We may go to different schools and yes you'll be in fire academy but I want this maya. I want you always. If it means I have to give up some things I will." Carina said slowly starting to cry.

"No one's giving anything up. We will make it work right? We have too." Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Carina didn't say anything she grabbed me and hugged me the tightest I've ever been hugged. Our body's were one tight mess crying and comforting. She led me through the front door and sat me down on the couch.

We stayed with each other until both of us finished crying. The thought of us not being together truly and utterly broke both our hearts but we don't know what the future holds. People die. Family's fall apart. I knew what i wanted in life. I knew what carina wanted in life. And we both knew that in order for the other to get what they wanted we have to go our own ways.

"What do we do carina?" I asked as my voice started to break slightly.

"We dance." She said which left me confused.

"Come on we dance." I took her hand and we stood in the center of the open living room. Carina arms were around my neck and mine around her waist. Carina played a song on her phone. "Find my way back" by Eric Arjes.

We danced as if nothing mattered. We were together. I had her with me. One look into her eyes and I was lost. Even if we went our own ways I knew I'd find my way back to carina. The words in this song only created more tears.

'Cause even underneath the waves
I'll be there to hold on to you
And even if we slip away
I'll be there to fall into the dark
To chase your heart
No distance could tear us apart
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
I'll find my way back to you'

We danced until the song was finish and carina pulled me in for a long sweet kiss once it finished.

"I have something for you." Carina said holding out a small box.

I opened the box and inside was a ring. A small promise ring. On the inside it read, 'no distance could tear us apart'.

"Carina this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I said as I kissed her.

"Look I have a matching one. See?" Carina said holding her hand up.

I knew she was trying to lighten the mood but I couldn't stop think about this. We have the summer together but then we go back to school. Different  ones far from each other.

"What are we going to do carina?" Was the only thing I could say. I needed the answer.


Hey guys sorry it's been so long and all and sorry that this chapter is sad kinda but I want to slowly work on ending this story cuz h have a plan for it in the long run and a sequel for it just all depends on what you guys think!
Very sorry for it being sad I've been kinda sad lately so well ya lmao. 
Also I have no friends so if anyone wants to be friends add my snap 😂


Love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️

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