Chapter 16

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Mayas pov:

     I got our food and started on my way home. Driving always seems to help me calm down. When I'm stressed I feel like I could drive forever and ever. Carinas is the opposite, she is the "I'll read a book and have a coffee when I'm stressed" kind of girl. Which is somthing I love about her. I swear I could sit and watch that girl read a book all day, the way she sits and the cute focused look on her face, god I could watch her all day. And dont even get me started on how amazing she is with Marley. She honestly treats Marley as if she's her daughter too.

I walked in the door and up the stairs to see carina sleeping with marely on her chest sleeping aswell. I put the food down as quietly as I could and I snapped a quick picture of the two and set it as my homescreen. My girls.

I slowly walked to the edge of the bed Carina was sleeping on and bruhsed her hair off her face and woke her up. "Hey im back.'' I said as I gently rubbed her cheak. "Sorry sorry im up. Mar mar wake up, little bug." Carina said as she ticked Marley softly. "Mama me sleep." Marley whined.

  I stopped dead in my tracks when Marley said that. Carina's face was pale as if she saw a ghost. "Maya i- im sorry. I kept telling her i'm not you and- and- i just didnt know what to do!" Carina said as tears filled her eyes. "I think you need to leave." i said coldly as i moved to pick marley up off of carina.

  "Maya I can explain! I'm sorry!"  Carina sobbed. "Carina..please leave." I said as I turned around and walked my daughter to her room.

God what did I just do.. Why would I make her leave? It's not her fault Marley said that. Why god why would I tell her to leave. I layed Marley back down and I ran back to my room to see if she left yet. Why wouldn't she be gone? I just told her to leave.. For no reason. I turned the corner hoping she was still there. She was. She was packing her stuff.

"Carina wait please don't leave.'' I said when I reached my bed. " Why maya? Why should I stay!" "because I love you alot and I love how you are with marley. I just wasn't ready for her to call you that. And i know i shouldn't take out what a one and a half year old says out on you but it scared me. I've always been her mama and now you are here and you take care of her like I do and she thinks of you as her mom. I wasn't ready to share that role but I think I am now. I know I said when we started dating that I wouldn't let you do anything more than a friend would do to Marley but honestly she's so attached to you it's pointless to say you're a friend to her. You're her mom too carina." I said it all in one breath. Feeling myself getting worked up about to cry.

  Carinas pov:

   Maya was rambling. That's one thing she was bad at, not getting upset over little things. The way she reacted to Marley calling me mama I completely expected.

  "Maya maya stop! Your going to make your self sick. I'm not leaving and you don't have to apologize. It's something new. It's always been you two and now there's me. I take care of Marley like my own so I was waiting for it to happen. But if you aren't okay with it we can work with her so she knows not to cal-" i was stopped mid sentence by Mayas lips meeting mine. "Your her mama carina. Your her mama too." Maya said with tears in her eyes. "I love you so much. And I love Marley." i pulled maya closer and gave her the longest hug.

  We stayed hugging and in each others embrace for a few minutes before we both remembered maya had went and gotten us food.

  "We might want to eat that before it's not good anymore." I said laughing as i cupped Mayas face and gave her a short kiss before getting up.

The second I went to get up maya grabbed me and pulled me back down to her and kissed me more passionately. "Maybe we could skip to dessert?" She said with a smirk on her face. "Maya I love you but I'm sooo hungry. And you don't want to see hangry carina." I said half serious. When I'm hungry i become a complete and utter bitch.

I grabbed my food out of the bag and sat back down on Mayas bed and started devouring it like a monster. Maya just looked at me and smiled.

After we ate we layed down seeing as though we were too stuffed to do anything we decided to watch a movie on Mayas computer and cuddle. "I could seriously cuddle with you forever." Maya said as she tucked her head closer to my chest as i played with her hair.

  Maya had fallen asleep half way through but for some reason I wasn't tired, maybe it was cause I took a unintentional nap with mar mar. I finished up the movie and wrapped my arms around maya tighter. Which caused her to stir awake.

Maya reached in and kissed me softly and then started kissing down to my jawline all the way down to my neck starting to kiss me harder leaving small red marks. "Maya we can't right now it's so late and mar is sleeping I don't want to wake her and god your parents." I said starting to ramble. "Now look to rambling huh?" Maya said as i playfully smacked her arm.

  We changed  how we were laying and started to both Fall asleep until the sounds of muffled cry's started forming in marleys room.

  "God go get our daughter, she can sleep in here tonight." Maya said

   Our daughter.


Sorry this one took me longer to get out I was kinda stuck on how I really wanted maya to react

  I hope you like it.
Please please comment and let me know how you feel about this story and if I should continue it !


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