Chapter 2

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  Todays the first day of school and to say I'm nervous is an understatement. I was woke up around 4:30 by Marley crying. She's around 8 months old now and she's starting to teeth, I feel so bad for her because it must be so painful. I decided I was to awake from her crying to go back to sleep so I laid with Marley on my chest and scrolled through my socials till I had to get ready for school.
    Around 7 I went down stairs to get breakfast for me and mar and run over the plan again with my mom.
"So nap at 10:30, bottle at noon and then just keep her awake till-"
    "Yes honey I know the schedule, I had you and it was the exact same. But instead of the grumpy baby you were I get to spend the day with my sweet mar mar" my mom said as she took Marley out of my arms and held her.
   "Okay Imma get ready  and head to school. Love you mom. Love you mar." I said as I kissed Marleys  head and I walked back up the stairs to my disaster of a teenage bedroom. I decided on a simple look for school nothing to crazy and not a complete bum either. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and a new hoodie I happened to buy the other day when I was picking stuff up from the store for Marley. I paired the outfit with simple all white sneakers and grabbed my bag and a hurried to school.
   My first class was English honors, I decided to put myself in a advanced class because I love literature and I found it so easy. I walked into the classroom and to my surprise I got a very warm welcome from my teacher. She assigned me my seat which was in the middle next to the other new girl Carina.
  "Maya your seats next to Carina she's also new this year and I thought maybe it would be nice seeing as your both new this year maybe you two could help each other out" my teacher informed me.
  "Hi I'm maya bishop" I stated as I sat next to the very perky brunette who instantly smiled as I introduced myself.
   " Carina Deluca" the brunette said all bubbly and slurred due to her thick Italian accent as she held her hand out for me to shake, to which I gladly accepted.

  First class went really well, English always happened to be my favorite class and I loved reading but when my teacher told me we were starting a book to read with our desk partner I got nervous. Carina seemed nice but I've never really had friends since being taken out of school last year. so the whole friendship thing was very messy for me. Once I was taken out of school last year people started telling rumors and soon enough the whole school had thought I died due to me not posting on social media or going out in public seeing as thought I was heavily pregnant with a big bump. So the whole taking to people not knowing if they knew any rumors from last year almost terrified me.
  "Maya?" Carina asked with a worried expression
   "What oh you I- uh- sorry I kinda zoned out for a minute" I said nervously as I looked down at the desk

   " I was just asking you if you had any idea for a book we could read together?" The brunette asked "oh yeah sorry, I'm not to sure. What kind of books are you into because I don't want to make you read any of my boring fantasy books" I said looking up from the desk to be met with a smiling Carina. "Oh I'm not picky Maya I read almost everythin-" and with that carina was cut off from the bell sounding.

   My next class was global studies and well that class I hated. Like I really hated that class. I Just found it so stupid who cares about people who sailed across the ocean and found new land? Not me I surely couldn't give two cares about that.
The whole class was pretty much just talking about what we will be learned about in this course, nothing special I swear I could have fallen asleep listing to that teacher talk nonstop.

    My last class of the day was math and that class wasn't the worst, I also had that class with carina so it was nice seeing a familiar face again.

  "Oh hi maya" carina said in her thick Italian accent
  " Hi, I guess we have math together huh? Its nice have a person I've already met be in another class it makes it a little less scary" I say laughing slightly as carina joins in laughing.
  The teacher passed out a paper with a couple difficult question so she could see where we were at learning wise. At one point I think carina was getting really upset cause she was mumbling something in Italian. A lot of people started to stare cause the quite mumbling had turned into full on speaking straight up Italian to her paper.

   "Everything alright miss deluca?" The teacher asks as carina puts on the fakest smile and says she's fine. After that we all went back to what we were doing shortly after that the last bell rang and it was time to go home.

I walking walking home when all of a sudden I was startled by the perky Italian running up to me.

  " hey maya didn't mean to just run up on you or anything I was just wondering if maybe I can get your number and I could send you some book ideas tonight? If your okay with that?" A very out of breath  nervous sounding carina said. "Oh yeah here let me put it in your phone." "Thanks, I hope we have some classes tomorrow together your really nice Maya" carina said almost shocked at how fast maya said yes to just handing her number over to some loud rambling Italian. "Thanks carina I hope we do to" I say as I smile and continue on my walk home.
    Carina looked at the contact name Maya had added to her phone and saw ~maya🙃~ carina had been smiling as she watched maya walk away waiting until she was out of sight to head home herself.


  Hiii so I hope you like it 😂 I don't really know how I feel about it lol. I'll most likely update tomorrow cuz I seem to write these very fast!

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