Chapter 19

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End of summer...

Mayas pov:

Even though I know summers over I still have to say this year has been the best year of my life. I met carina. She became my girlfriend. She became the mom to my daughter. She gave me a promise ring. But now it has to pause. As much as I don't want to pause I know it's for the best. We will have our own lives with school and friends and why fight it, if it's meant to be we will find our ways back right?

The only thing I hate myself for is how close I let her and Marley get. I can handle a breakup but Marleys so little this will crush her.

But on the other hand I really loved knowing Marley had someone else who loved her just as much as I did and would do anything to protect her.

Carina was in my room packing her stuff so she could just grab it and get in her way to the airport early tomorrow. She's studying to become a doctor. More specifically a OB. I know she will become one of the bests. She's the best in my book.

"Thank you for everything carina." I said finally breaking the unbearable silence.

"Don't thank me maya, you have given me something I don't think anyone else could have given me. I got to become a mama to that little girl. I got to experience so many new things with you maya bishop. You gave me a sense of purpose." She said fighting tears.

"Will you at least stay and cuddle with me tonight? I understand if not...I don't want to make this harder for us." I said looking down ashamed I even asked such a dumb question. We're breaking up because I can't do long distance. Why would she stay with me.

"GOD maya bishop what is it about you! Why can't I find it in myself to say no. There's just something about you maya." She said sorta laughing.

We got into bed and layed with each other for a small time before I had enough of the distance and decided to just lay in her arms.

"Will your promise me something? Promise me you won't change for anyone. You will stay this crazy, funky, sometimes a little dumb, beautiful and big hearted amazing woman. Don't let anyone dull your sparkle Bella. Go shine your light. Tell your truth." When carina said that I couldn't resist I knew it would make it harder but I couldn't help it. I was so deeply in love with carina that I knew I'd find my way back to her. I gave her the longest most passionate kiss I've been save for a few days. I knew this kiss was going to be hard for both of us.

We shortly fell asleep after talking about our future and college stuff. You know some stuff to lighten the sad mood.


Carina pov:

I never knew that leaving someone you cared about so deeply would really hurt this bad. Even though I knew maya was going to do amazing things in life and succeed so far it hurt to know I wasn't going to be cheering her on in the sidelines.

Same with mar. I know that she's going to grow up to be a sweetest most caring little girl. Marley was still so little but I knew she was going to grow up with such a heart of gold.

"Bambina I have to get going." I said sadly as I tried to wake maya up for one last goodbye.

Maya got out of bed and put on a hoodie and went to get Marley.

"You come?" Maya asked me

"Uh yeah but what are you doing?"

"Were going to have one more drive together."

I got in the car. I think the realization of this is finally kicking in. This was real. I was saying goodbye. But maybe this isn't a goodbye it's just a see you later you know.

The ride was silent. I held Mayas hand the whole drive. I needed her physical touch. The only time there was a sound was when Mayas breathing changed from long and calm to quick and stippled. I knew she was holding back her tears by the sounds of her little whimpers.

We got to the airport entrance and I lost it. I was leaving. Leaving my girls.

Maya helped me get my suitcase and small carry ons out of her car. I gave market a kiss well she was still sleeping. I think it would make it easier for me if she didn't call me mama.

"I guess this is where I say goodbye Maya bishop." I said chocking in my own tears.

"You have changed my life carina. No matter where life takes us your always going to be in my heart. You were and will always be my first true love. Maybe that's why it hurts so much. Because what we have is real and true. I love you carina DeLuca." Maya said as she grabbed my face and kissed me passionately before grabbing my hand and placing a soft kiss on my finger wjth our matching promise rings.

"Take her to the moon for me." I said pointing at Marley. "Your gunna raise an amazing little girl maya. I know it. Stay true Bella. Stay you and don't change. Your going to do so much maya. You already have. I love you maya bishop." I said as I placed a soft kiss on her cheak before turning and slowly waking into the airport.

There I go. Leaving my dream girl.


Mayas pov:

There i was standing like a fool as my dream girl vanished from me. I wanted to run to her and tell her I'm coming with her. That I'll give up everything for her. But I couldn't. I knew this was for the good.

I've been through a lot for my age. But this just might be the hardest thing I've had to do.

When you before so attached to someone. Someone you share your life with. Let your kid become so attached too. Plan your future with. Carina was everything. She always will have a spot in my heart. She was my soul mate. And if the odds are in my favor, I'll have my girl back one day.


Don't hate me....

I'm sorry.

This ain't the last chapter tho and there will be one more!!!

Mayas secret Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora