Chapter 15

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Mayas pov:

  Last night was magical land when I mean magical. I mean the best most amazing night of my life. Not just because we'll you know. But because how much love it was full of. There was nothing but love between carina and I.

  I love this girl. I love her more than I thought I could and it honestly scares me. But I knew carina was my forever. I've never met someone who makes me as happy as she makes me. She makes Marley so happy and she's just everything. But what if something happened and we weren't forever?

  "What are you think about Bella?" Carina said when she woke up. "Good morning beautiful. I didn't even realize you were awake." I said as a moved so I could give her a soft kiss.  "What's going on in your head baby?" Carina asked again as she sat up. "You, us, Marley, everything. How much I love you." I said with tears forming in my eyes. "What's wrong Bella? Talk to me? I can't help if I don't know what wrong?" Carina said as she opened her arms and pulled me into her. " I'm so scared. I can't lose you. What if I mess up and you leave me? I can carina i can't lose you! I love you to much. You can't Lea-" I was stopped mid sentence by carina taking my face in her hands and kissing me passionately. "I'm not going anywhere maya! Never ever. It's you and me forever. I couldn't leave you after I've gotten so attached. And Marley I love that little girl so so so much I could never leave her either. I can promise you I'm not leaving. One day we will move in together, get married, buy a house, have kids, and grow old with each other as we watch our kids grow and have family's. It's always going to be us. I promise" carina said as tears formed in her eyes.

  The pair had stayed in each others arms for what felt like forever. They talked about there future together. They talked about there wedding, kids, Marley. Everything they wanted.

  "We might need to get up and go get my daughter I only told my mom she needed to watch her for the night and we'll now it's like almost dinner time... the next day." Maya laughed. "I suppose I can share you today." "Don't worry your staying the night beautiful, we can do movie night or something ?" I asked as I snaked my arms around carinas waist and kiss the side of her neck. "I would love nothing more my love."


Carinas pov:

   We got Marley just before dinner time and I about the idea of maybe going out to dinner and bringing mar with us. "Carina we can't what if we see someone from school and they ask who's baby that is?" "Then we tell them it's your sister. Or your niece." "But-" "no buts it's going to be okay." "God you lucky I love you carina deluca."

  We picked a cute little pasta place not to far from Mayas house because Marley was a picky eater. If she was told to eat something she didn't like she threw a complete tantrum, Maya didn't really feel like fighting with her toddler today so she just went in to the easiest option.

We waited for dinner and talked about silly stuff , when the food got to the table Marley was the happiest she's ever been but that happy didn't last all too long. Marley reached on the table at the plate and tipped it over, slipping all over mayas lap. At that second maya was furious. That was her dads side coming out in her. "Carina please take her now!" She said as her eyes started to turn red and water. She couldn't be like her dad it would reck her . She couldn't hit her child or say horrible things to her. She couldn't. She wouldn't. And she didn't.

I took Marley from maya and took her to the bathroom to get all the sauce off her. Maya tried my best to clean up the mess marley made before a waitress came over and gave her an attitude about the mess. "Look I'm trying okay!" She yelled all upset as she started sobbing. Maya threw money on the table and went to get carina. "We're leaving let's go." "Maya are you okay? Everything's okay it was an accident." She didn't even respond she just took my hand and we walked to the car.

The ride home was quiet. Marley had fallen asleep which I was okay with. When we got home we went to mayas room after putting Marley in her own. "Maya what's wrong? Talk to me." "I love Marley so much but sometimes I just wonder how my life would be if I didn't have her. I wouldn't get judged by people. I could eat a meal with my girlfriend without Marley making a mess and then me turning in a mess." She said as she started crying once again. "Maya. I love you and I love Marley. I want you to be okay. I know having a kid at your age isn't easy. But your an amazing mom Maya! Your there for you kid. Hell the girls on our school wouldn't do half as good a job at being a mom as you are. Your trying and that's all that matters and if people want to say stuff about something they don't know then I think it show s there true colors. Please don't let anyone tell you your not doing enough maya." After i finished what I was saying Maya moved and sat on top of my lap and and gave me the sweetest kiss I could get. I had not further intentions that just a kiss. All she was for me to hold her so that's what I did.

  After a while of us sitting like that Mayas stomach started to growl. I laughed because it was soooo loud! "Maybe we can run to the store and pick something up?" I asked. "It's okay I'll go you can stay here and watch Marley." She said as she peeked my lips. We decided to order takeout from a Chinese place we both love. Maya wanted to go by herself because I know she needed to clear her mind and late night drives always did that for her.

I walked to Mars room to find her awake in her crib. I was surprised she wasn't crying. She's the queen of crying. "Hey mar. Let's get you in some comfy pjs huh bug?" I said to marley as I took her out of her crib. I got her changed and she had a little energy so I decided to play with her for a bit before Maya got back. "Mar mar go grab your toys and let's go to mamas room." I said as she held my finger. "Okay mama." Marley said which caught me by surprise. "No mar I'm rina not mama. Mamas not here she's getting dinner." I said thinking she wasn't actually calling me mama. "No you mama! Play mama. Wanna play in mamas room." "Marley I'm not mama I'm rina." "No you mama." She continued saying. That's great just what Maya needs after everything today.

  Hey I hope you guys like this chapter I think I'm going to update a few more soon because I have a lot of ideas for this story.

Please comment or dm me if there's anything you want to see like any carina and Marley moments or Mayas mom and carina talking or stuff like that!

  How will maya react to Marley calling carina , mama.


Snap: kaelynh84

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