Chapter 9

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Carinas pov:

We were sitting in English class when I noticed Maya start to fall asleep. I didn't stay over last night cause my mom told me I'm never home anymore and she'd like to see me for once which pissed me off.

"Maya? Did you sleep at all last night? You look like your half dead?" I said concerned "no not really mar kept me up all night she just wouldn't sleep. She was crying and she got so loud that my dad came and yelled at me which made her cry more and then I couldn't sleep cause I was so terrified that she was going to start crying again and I was going to sleep through it and my dad would do somthing to her." Maya said as her voice started to break. "Hey it's okay I'll be over tonight and I'll make sure you get some sleep okay." I said as a pulled her into a hug that just broke her a little more. Maya was always scared of her dad he forced her to win for him and he was so strict about every little thing she did in her life. I wanted maya to come over to my house for the night so she could just get away from her dad and his anger but my mom doesn't know she has a kid and Maya doesn't want to leave Marley alone with her parents without her making sure he doesn't go near her. "Hey what if you come over to my house and that way you could get away from you dad for a little bit?" I asked her. "What no your mom doesn't know she won't let me see you anymore if she knew!" Maya said nervously. "I'll talk to her so she knows ahead of time. Don't worry my mom won't hate you or anything she loves baby's!" I reassured her. "Okay but I have to get stuff from my house before we go to yours because Marley needs her travel bed and toys." "Okay we can make that happen!" I grabbed my phone and texted my mom letting her know that Maya was coming over and so was her daughter. My mom questioned the whole baby part but I told her I'd explain later. "My mom said your more than welcome to come over she even asked what Marley and you like so she could cook dinner." I smiled.

School got out not to long after and we headed to Mayas place to get Marleys stuff. "Hey mom we're staying at carinas tonight her moms okay with it just wanted to let your know." Maya said. Her mom just smiled and told us to be good. Marley was so happy to see me she screamed and climbed out of Mayas moms arms almost falling to get into my arms. "Hey crazy! I've missed you!" I smiled and held her well tickling her stomach. "Stop rina!" She giggled as I continued to tickle her. Her talking has gotten a lot better she calls me 'her rina' cause she still can't pronounce my full name. Marley was so attached to me that when I had to leave she always threw complete tantrum which I knew annoyed Maya.

We got back to my house and I helped maya bring all of mars stuff to my room. Marley was clung to me like a baby koala. She didn't want maya to hold her she only wanted me to hold her. "See I told you my baby loves you more than me!" She laughed as Marley answers her question with a little nod. "Heyyyyyy that's mean! I'm hurt." Maya said in a fake offended voice. "It's otay mama I still love you." Marley said as she crawled out of my arms and layed with her head on Mayas chest looking up at her. "Awe I love you to mar mar! I love you so much." Maya says as she hold onto her baby and kisses her head.

We stay laying in bed till my mom called us down for dinner. My mama cooked her homemade spaghetti cause she likes to show off sometimes and Marley loves spaghetti. Dinner was going fine till Marley started to make a mess and some sauce got on the floor. Mayas face turned pale as she started to cry. "I'm- im sorry I'll clean it up and then we'll leave im so sorry I didn't mean to im- " maya said as she was cut off from her sentence. "Maya honey it's okay. Shes a baby I expect her to make a mess it's perfectly okay." My mom said as she stood up to grab the paper towels and some wipes to clean Marleys face. Maya just sat there crying as she was embarrassed to think carinas mom was going to yell at her for her baby's mess. Maya was so used to her dad and how he reacted at the slighted things that she was expecting the same to come from her mom. "Bella why don't you take the bambina upstairs and clean her up and I'll clean the floor." I said as I rubbed her arm. "Thank you." She sniffled. After she left my mom gave me a confused look and asked why she freaked out about a little sauce. "Her dads really bad to her. He yells at her over little things and calls her many horrible names. He hit her a few weeks ago for standing up for herself when he kept calling Marley a mistake and was just being horrible to her." I said and my mom just sighed. "Maybe she should come over with Marley a little more and get herself out of that negative space. I hope her mamas not like that." "No her mom is very supportive she helps maya a lot. She watched Marley when we go to school and if we wanna go to the movies or anything she always offers it's nice that Maya has someone she trusts. But Mayas been really hesitant about leaving her there by herself cause she doesn't know what her dad would do if something happened." I said getting upset at the thought of that man putting his hands on mar. I finished cleaning with my mom and went back to my room.

I walked in my room and found Maya crying in my bed and Marley asleep in her crib. I knew Maya was upset but I didn't want to force her to talk so I just layed next to her and held her till she stopped crying. "What's going on in the beautiful mind of your Bella?" I asked as I rubbed her back. "I'm just scared that your moms going to think I'm crazy for having a baby and the whole scene I just made." She said as she sat up. "Bella yours okay I promise you. My mom doesn't think your crazy and neither do I. Your used to you dad making a whole scene when it comes to marley making a mess. It's normal for you to be scared when it happens. But Bella my mama would never ever say or do anything hurtful to you or Marley I can promise you that." I said as I looked her straight in the face. "I know I say it a lot but thank you carina thank you for not leaving." And with that we layed back down and fell asleep.


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