Chapter 11

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  Time jump a few weeks it's now marleys birthday

Mayas pov:

  Holy smokes it's marleys birthday! I can't believe she's one! She so far along for only being one. She's talking pretty well and she's walking. We decided to have her little party at my aunts house because dad said "over his dead body would that party be at his house"  so well we did it at my aunts. My mom sister always supported me with Marley she knew from experience how hard it is to be a teen mom.

  I of course invited carina. She loved Marley so much it was so cute seeing them together. Carina was the first to arrive at my aunts her mom came to which I was surprised at but hey todays about my baby not the adults in our lives that disapprove of my choices. "Happy birthday baby love" carina squealed as she saw Marley. That was carinas new thing she called Marley her "baby love" it was so cute and Marley loved it. "Yaaaa my rina here"Marley screamed as soon as carina came and picked her up. Carinas mom handed me a bag and I just looked at carina and sighed. "I told you that you didn't need to get her anything." "It's baby loves birthday of course she's getting something from her rina!" Carina said as she kissed Marley head which only made me smile and hug my girls.

  The party was going really well everything was perfect. Marley was loving all the attention and she absolutely loved the cake we got her. She opened all of her presents with help from me because well her tiny hands can't do much. It was awesome as a mom to watch her face light up at everything. She got to carina present and was so happy and full of joy when she saw her gift that was a set of tiny pony's which mar mar loved. But then there also was a little thing at the bottom for me. It was a necklace. It was a new one I've never seen before. It was shaped as a heart and in the center you could look in it. It had a picture of Marley and I and on the back it had a engraving that said 'life with you is beautiful'  i started tearing up when I read my necklace. "I love it so much thank you both!" I said as I hugged carinas mom and then hugged carina which must have been a little to long cause my mom cleared her throat to indicate that it's been a while.

Not much longer after the party was over and everyone went there ways and carina and I decided to walk to our spot with Marley seeing as it wasn't to far and it was a really nice day.


Carinas pov:

   "Thank you so much for the necklace I love it so much." Maya says as she plays with the necklace on her neck. " you don't need to thank me I know how much you love Marley and you deserve something nice as well so found this guy who makes these necklaces and I thought it was perfect. And well the engraving on the back I found perfect too. Ever sense I met you everything has been well how to I put this. Magical? Your just a absolute ray of sunshine and so is Marley. You guys light up a room and you just make everyone happy. And my life with you so far has been pretty beautiful bambina." I say as we walk hand in hand to our spot. "I love you so much carina." Maya says as she stops walking and kisses me. "I love you much more." "And I was wondering something. Don't call me crazy okay but you always call me 'bambina' but what does that mean?" Maya asks kinda shy. "Ohhh Bella it means baby! I always call you that because Im not saying it in English cause it's so awkward and we'll I call Marley it because she is a bambina!" I say laughing.

  Shortly after that we got to our little spot in the woods it was already set up so i think Maya knew I was up to somthing. "You had this all planned didn't you!" She says with a smile. I nod and take her hand to sit down. "I decided we could do a little picnic. It's really nice out and picnics are beautiful and so are my girls." I said as I started to take out everything I had packed. we spent the time just talking about life and asking market silly questions to make us laugh which she never fails to do. I enjoyed spending time with my girls. Marley started to get really sleepy so Maya and I had to try out best to keep her awake so she'd go down later  we chased her around and tickled her and practically did everything in our power to keep the little bug up.

  "Do you want to stay over tonight?" Maya asked. "Of course I do!" "Good how about we pack this up and walk to the store and grab some snacks and try to find a new movie and we can watch it later all cuddled up in each others arms." Maya said as she ran her finger tips up my arm. " ah I see what your trying to do but it's not going to work. I'm not going to become a big softy buttttt those plans do sound rather fantastic." I said as I kissed her. "Wait maya one more thing." I say as I Leaned in and pretend to whisper somthing in her ear but instead I jsut start tickling her. "STOP NO CARINA STOPPP" she screams as I continue ticking her. "IM GOING TO PEE MY PANTS IF YOU DONT STOP!" "Fine fine Ill stop but that my love was hilarious!" "You so mean." She says as she fake pouts. "I'm sorry I'm sorry how can I make it up beautiful?" " kiss me!" I do as she said and pulled her in for a very loving and long kiss.

  We started on our way to the store walking hand in hand and laughing at the fact that Marley was passed out even after all we tried to do to keep her awake. Everything was perfect until I noticed someone call Mayas name. We turned around and I could tell something was wrong. "Hey what's wrong? It's just a strange dude let's go." I say trying to keep calm. "What do you want!" Maya says as she walks closer to the strange man. "I came to find you and to find my kid. Is there something wrong with that Maya?" " you will never get to see her not after what you put me through and leaving me after I trusted you but I guess I really was a dumb kid back then but I'm not anymore so I suggest you leave." Maya says as she get more and more irritated. Maya turned to walk away but the man grabbed her arm and held a tight grip on her. " let me go jack!" My face changed immediately when she said Jack I looked down at Marley and then back at the two in front of me only to notice Jack had a devilish look on his face and he was staring right at the sleeping baby in my arms.


Ha yeah jacks backkk 😂 I had really no idea what to right so well here it is 😂 sorry if this chapter kinda sucks

  Please comment and give me ideas or anything to write about I'll take all your suggestions and add them to my story somehow!

  Insta: kae_lyn_630
  Snap: kaelynh84

  My dms are open !

Thank you for readinggggg ❤️

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