Chapter 8

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  Mayas pov:

   I got home from school and was so exhausted. I had a huge test today for global and well I'm most definitely sure I failed. All I wanted to do what Lay in bed with carina and just sleep. Sleep in her arms and forget about the world for the night.

  I walked in the door and I was welcomed by my mom who called me into the kitchen. "Are you and carina a thing" my mom asks with a smile. "What no we are just really close I guess." "Maya you know I'll always love and support you, you can tell me if you like her." My mom said as she rubbed her hand up and down my arm letting me know she's being truthful. "I mean I do have feelings for her but I'm a mom, I have a kid. I can't let her ruin her life to be with me." "But the way she looks at you and the ways she is with Marley tells me that she's choosing you maya. She's not being forced to do this and if she wanted to she could leave but she not so that definitely tell me something." I just walk to my room leaving the words my mom said linger in my mind.

    Carina came over about 30 minutes after my mom talked for me and we were laying in bed sitting on our phones when I decided to ask her if she wanted to go to the movies tonight. "Hey would you maybe wanna go catch a movie tonight? I can have my mom watch Marley till we get back?" I asked well rubbing her hand. "I'd love to !" Carina smiled. I knew that I liked carina and she liked me back and after hearing my mom today I was giving the thought of us a second look. Maybe tonight will be good, just us.

   We got to the movies and we finally got seated after carina couldn't figure out what candy she wanted. But the movie theater we have close to my house has double seats for two people so of course we picked a double seat so we could cuddle the whole time. I'm not even sure what movie we were watching it was what ever one carina was rambling about the whole car drive. She looked so cute the way she was leaning on me I couldn't help but stare. "Kiss me" I said looking down at her. "Maya" she said with her hot Italian accent that made the 'ya' in my name very distinct. "I said kiss Me" I said a second time and this time she did. It's was a sweet passionate kiss that was full of pure and utter love for one another. After that kiss carina just melted in my arms as we finished our movie. Carina thought we were going home but I had another surprise for her.


  Carinas pov:

   Maya told me to kiss her. It was honestly the best thing I think I've ever done. We've kissed before but for some reason tonight felt different. A good different.

  "Where are we going mayaaaa." I laughed as she drove us somewhere and took me out of the car laughing. "Are you like planing to kill me or something?" I asked laughing. "Noooo I'm not I wanted to show you this place I found." She said holding my hand. "I found this place one day when I went for a run to clear my mind and I fell in love with it. It's the perfect spot for watching the stars." Maya continues as the trail opened up to the big field where there was a blanket and pillows set up. "Did you set this us!" I said shocked. " maybe I did maybe I didn't" she said with a smirk as I hugged her tightly.

  We laying watching the stars and talking about life mainly Marleys birthday coming up soon. Which made my thing that means Mayas birthday is coming up soon as well. "I'm so excited but so sad for marleys first birthday. She's growing up so fast." Maya said with a sad look. "She is but she also starting to look more and more like you every day! She's beautiful just like her mama." I said looking into maya eyes. Maya leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips with I returned. We layed there for a while until the silence was ended by maya.

  "I know I said no to us dating before because of Marley. But I've thought and your choosing to stay here with us and your choosing to spend time with me and mar over going to party's and getting drunk. I'm so grateful for you and how much you care about Marley and myself. I've never felt like this with anyone not even my baby's father. You are truly my safe place and you make me feel loved and safe and supported all the time. I love you a lot carina and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" Maya said nervously. I didn't even answer her I jsut sat on my lap and kissed her long and passionately. "I'll take that as a yes?" Maya giggled as I kissed all over her face. " yes times a million !!!" I screamed. I was so in love with her and this was the final key. It was official I was maya bishops girlfriend.

  The rest of the night was calm we drove home and got Marley to bed when Maya came up to me and layed down on me and Said " I could use some of my girlfriends cuddles." I just held her closer to me and kissed her forehead as she slowly fell asleep. That was something I could listen to forever, her referring to me as her 'girlfriend' I just smiled to myself and then proceeded to join my girl and fall asleep in each others arms.


  Heyyy there finally togtherrrr!!!! I'm not to good at writing parts with kissing and stuff so I find it weird but oh well 😂


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