Chapter 3

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    ( time jump a few weeks )

    I've now been in my new school for a couple weeks and everything seems to be going well. I made a couple new friends, carina and I have also gotten pretty close. She's really nice but I don't know if I can let her in and tell her things. She always asks to come over and if we can hangout outside of school. Which I always have to turn down. Not because I want to it's because of Marley. Carina the first real friend I've had since I had Marley and I'm afraid that if I tell her about her then she will leave like Jack did or tell me how disgusting I am like my own dad did.
    I was sitting at the table with my parents eating dinner. We were having spaghetti which was one of Marleys favorites. I'm also so cautious when Marley eats around my dad because he has a very short temper. I turned to grab marleys bottle taking my eyes off of my baby for one second and in that short time she had managed to get sauce all over herself and on the floor. When I met my dads eyes I could see the fury in them. A red fireball forming in both.
"Kathrine tell your whore of a daughter to get herself and her mistake out of my sight" my dad demanded point at Marley when he said mistake which made my blood boil. "You know what dad! I'm trying okay! I made a mistake by getting pregnant, it wasn't the smartest thing I've done. But I'm living with it and I'm trying to be the best mom I can be and if you can't respect that then maybe you should get out of my sight!" With those words flying out of my mouth my dad stormed off glaring at me and my baby. That was the first time I've ever spoke up to my dad before. My moms face held a proud expression. She was proud that her daughter had done something it took herself years to do.

  It was later around 6 when carina had texted me

Hey maya, i was wondering if maybe you wanted to come over and spend the night or something? My mom's perfectly fine with you staying.

   I hated that I could go be with carina but I'm a mom and I have to be there for my baby. I can't just leave her here and I can't ask my mom so watch her all night so I decided to text her back.

Carina pov:

Hi carina I'm sorry but I'm busy again and can't come over. Hope your not mad.

  I just signed annoyed into my pillow. Like she's always "busy" I don't get it! How can someone be THAT busy that they can't come over anytime?

"Bambina!" My mom yelled

  "Yeah?" I responded annoyed knowing she was going to ask if maya was coming over. "Why are you still in bed? Isn't that maya girl you talk about all the time coming over?" My mama asked as she stood in my doorway. "No she's "busy" again" I say with my fingers to quote the word busy. "Oh I see, well don't stay up to late. Ti amo piccola Mia" my mom says as she hugs me. "Buonanotte, ti amo alla mamma" I whisper as she releases her warm arms from my shoulders.


  It was the next day and I was sitting in English keeping my distance from maya when she noticed I wasn't really acknowledging her.

  "Did I do something carina?"

  "No" I say with a short tone that came out a little more bitchy that I wanted.  "clearly" she says annoyed which seems to piss me off. "Really maya really! Your not the one who gets to be annoyed. All I wanted to do was hangout and you always turn me down, like if you really don't want to be friends then you can jsut tell me and I will stop bothering you. But please tell me so I don't waste anymore of my time!" I say on the verge of tears and half due to the fact that I couldn't sleep last night and the other half due to the fact that all I wanted was to be mayas friend. Maya didn't reply to anything that had just flown out of my mouth she just hugged me and left for her next class.

   Her hug felt warm it's what I've wanted to do I wanted to hug her many times but I didn't. So when she hugged me it felt like my stomach was doing backflips! Wait.. am I falling for that girl? No I can't be. She's probably straight. She doesn't even want to hangout, why oh god why do I always do this to myself!

Mayas pov:

I felt bad after listing to carina talk. She obviously cared for me and just wanted to hangout. But I can't tell her why I can't hang out, I can't tell her about my baby! She'll never want to see me again. She'll find me disgusting and a "whore" as my dad likes to say. I don't want to ruin the friendship I have with her at school.

  The school day went by kinda slow as to I could keep hearing carina talking in my mind. It's not that I don't want to be her friend and have sleepovers and all that normal teenage stuff. I just- I can't.

When I got home I walked straight over to my baby and picked her up out of my moms arms where she fell asleep in. My mom could notice I was upset about something cause she told me to go lay her in her crib and come talk to her, so that's what I did and if it wasn't what I wanted to do I knew my mom wouldn't believe me if I say I'm fine.

"What wrong maya? You always come home happy and talk about carina and your classes but lately you've seen almost like upset by it?" My mom questions. "Carina is great but she always asked to hangout or have sleepovers.. I can't do those things anymore and today she just snapped at me and told me that if I really don't want to be her friend then I could just tell her" I sighed "have you ever considered telling her ?" " are you crazy ! She's the first proper friend I've had in a long time I'm not going to risk that by telling her about my baby she'll leave !" I say which causes my moms face to become sympathetic. "Carina seems different, the way you talk about her and how caring see seems I don't think carina will think bad of you. I'm not saying you have to tell her but what I am saying is that your going to take your phone out, text carina and ask if you can come over!" My mom says smiling. "But what about mar?" "I'll watch her, you can go over for a hour or spend the damn night I don't care maya, go be a kid for once!" "I can't ask to watch her all night she get fussy and I don't want to ma-" "maya I'm offering, I don't do anything I don't want to do" and I hugged my mom and went to my as o decide that to text carina.


  Heyyy so I kinda rushed this chapter but I wanted more dialogue between carina and maya and I feel liek switching the povs helps add a little more to my story.

     Thanks for reading I hope you like it lol 😂



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