Chapter 10

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  Mayas pov:

   I woke up before carina and was laying in her arms happy and content. I stayed laying in her arms with my head facing up so I could watch her sleep peacefully. Carina was so different. Yeah obviously because she's a girl and I've only ever been with one guy before. But there was something that just attached me to her. She cared. She actually does, she always makes me and Marley feel so loved and it's what I want for my daughter i want her to have someone other than me and my mom to love her unconditionally. I was happy that carinas mom liked Marley and that she didn't call me things my dad does. I'm still really embarrassed about the whole "don't take my baby" situation but to be honest it really scared me. My dad had so much anger when I told him about Marley he hated it and he hated me for ruining my running career. It got so bad that one day he told me I needed to get rid of her if I wanted to continue living in his house. But my mother protected me she told me it was my choice if I wanted to keep it or not and I was staying in the house. My moms words enraged my dad and he want crazy. He tried many things to get my to get rid of my baby. He even told me that the day she was born he was going to take her from me. I guess that's why I got to nervous and upset when carinas mom offers to take her. Cause I always guessed something bad would happen.

  I stayed thinking for a good hour before carina started to wake up.

"Buongiorno bellezza" carina said in her groggy morning voice. "Good morning" I say back as I pushed myself up to kiss her lips. Not shortly after Marley woke up and was surprisingly not crying. I was shocked. "Okay I'm staying here every night I don't think my baby have ever not cried." I say laughing. "You always welcome Bella" carina said as she wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my neck. We stayed in a comfortable silence with Marley in my arms and me in carinas until there was a knock on  carina door. "Carina, possiamo parlare per favore?" ( carina can I talk to you please?) Carinas mom asked a as she opened the door and saw carinas arms around me. "Cucina Carina ORA!" ( carina kitchen NOW! ) Her mom said in a angry tone. "I'll be back" carina said as she kissed marleys head.


  Carina and her mom are in the kitchen fighting but like just pretend it's all in Italian cuz I'm to lazy to google translate everything😂

  Carina pov:

  " yes mama?" I asked

"I don't want you seeing maya!" She said which hit me like a slap in the face.

"What I thought you liked maya? How could you say that!"

"Carina I do like her she's a nice girl but I don't think it's appropriate for you do be with someone who's a mom! Your a kid for god sake carina. This will ruin your life if you date someone with a kid. And what will happen if something happen and that little girl got attached to you huh?"

" I love maya and she doesn't let me do anything more than a friend would do to Marley! I'm not ruining my life and I'm not eating my teen years I'm spending my life with the people I want to spend my life with doing what I want to do! You have no right to tell me who I can and can't be with! So don't fucking tell me what to do!" I screamed full of anger only to be met with my mother hand. "Don't fucking come near me!" I said as I stormed back to my room with my hand on my face and tears streaming down my eyes.

  "Baby what's wrong are you okay?!" Maya said as she put Marley down and ran to hug me. "I'm okay can we please leave though can we go to that spot you took me the other day that one in the woods?" I asked as I cried. "Of course we can ! Let's go." She said as she grabbed Marley and her back full of Marley and her own stuff. She grabbed my hand and walked me down stairs. As we passed the kitchen I looked and saw my mom crying with her head down at the kitchen island. I couldn't feel sorry for her she just told me I was ruining my life. Who says that to there own kid when the only thing they did was fall in love?

  Maya drove and about 20 minutes after we got in the car we pulled up to a wooded section and got out. We were walking for what felt like forced when we finally got to our spot. Maya layed down blankets and pillows and told me to come join her. "Tell me what's going on in that head of your beautiful?" She asked and I jsut couldn't hold back my tears. "That okay let it out I've got you." She said as she stroked the back of my head and kissed the forehead. I calmed down about 5 minutes after and decided to tell her what my mom said. It was so hard for me to repeat I could barely say it without crying. Once I managed to tell Maya her whole face changed. She was hurt. "I understand carina. I'll pick up and take you home and then I'll just leave you alone." She said as she grabbed her baby and started to pick up. "NO I don't want that at all ! Please maya please!" I said begging her. "Carina I love you but I can't come between you and your mom. She your mom and I'm jsut some random girl with a kid who shouldn't even be bothering you." She said she she cried. "You so much more than that Maya I knew that from the day I met you I knew you were more than a shy nervous girl. Your so much more and I love everything about you. I'm making this choice maya not my mom she doesn't choose my life. I'm choosing it I'm in control." I said as I stopped her from grabbing the blankets. "I'm choosing you and I'm staying." I said as I kissed her. She leaned in to me and accepted my kiss I knew she loved me and she knew I loved her. I don't care what my mom says Maya was my girlfriend and I was hers. If I didn't want this I could leave but I don't think i would find someone who even match's maya. Mayas who I want and when I want something I don't let it go. At least not without a fight.

Hey sorry it's been a little while I've had no motivation but todays a happy day so we'll I updated 😂 I like drama so I added a little fight between carina and her mom 😂

  I need some more ideas for what to write so if you guys have them please please comment or dm me or anything ! I will try and add everything so this story for make it what my readers want.

  Thank you for reading !🫶🏻 I'll try my best to update very soon!

Insta : kae_lyn_630
Snap: kaelynh84

  Also not proof read sooooooo sorry 😂 I ran out of time and had to go to my next class 😂

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