Chapter 32

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The doctors had conducted series of tests on me to confirm that I was okay and was going to stay okay. It was very hard to convince Jake to let me go during those times and after a while of the doctors pleading for him to let go, they gave up.

I was given the green light and Shane drove Jake and I home. Mac had informed me that Lucas was staying with them for the time being, I had no problems with that.

Currently, it was almost 12am and I was laying in bed with Jake. He was asleep but his arms were tight around me, holding me against him. My fingers massaged his earlobes as I watched him sleep. Jake hadn't left me for a second since we got back to the house.

Jake was shivering when he got back because of the heavy rain that we were both drenched in and I had to take off his clothes for him and change his bandages. He was majorly unresponsive. Hyper-aware of my presence but didn't do anything more than just making sure his skin was touching mine. His behavior was similar to toddlers that only wanted their mom to hold them. The extra clingy ones that are always somehow latched on no matter what.

I would have enjoyed his behavior or even teased him for it but I knew he was hurting and probably in extreme shock right now. He hasn't spoken much either and I hate that too.

I had dragged him to the bathroom to take a shower and after wrapping up his cast In a plastic bag, I pushed him under the shower (he was wearing underwear, don't worry) but he refused to let go of my hand. I got in with him and washed his hair while his arms were wrapped around my waist. After that, I got him in bed wearing dry fresh clothes.

He fell asleep soon after.

I hadn't slept a wink, and frankly, I wasn't feeling tired either. I was just happy to be here. I felt the safest here, in his arms.

His lashes fluttered as his bright honey eyes opened to look at me. I smiled at him and he gave me a watery smile back, his eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

"Jenny." He breathed, pulling me closer until I was laying on top of him. He kissed the top of my head many many times and whispered , "I thought I had lost you."

"You didn't Jake. I'm here." I kissed his jaw tenderly

He stared at me before sitting up, I was laying under him and he leaned above me. "He brought you back?"

"He did, Jake." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down towards me, I leaned up to meet his lips and he devoured me. I gasped before pulling away looking him straight in the eyes. "I met him, he touched me..."

The corners of Jake's eyes crinkled when he smiled at me, "He did? How did it feel?"

"It felt like... love. He really loves me, he loves you too, Jake" my eyes watered as I spoke, I felt tangible love when I met God running through my body as he looked at me, touched me. In his presence, I was surrounded by unconditional love, "he loves you so much. He says thank you for helping me and loving me, for saving me."

Jake laughed tearful, kissing every inch of my face and I laughed too.

"I love him, Jake. I love God... and I love you. Thank you for tackling me off that bridge and handling my panic attacks... thank you for cooking for me and introducing me to your wonderful friends... thank you for making me go to the station and forcing me under the shower after an attack... thank you for being my friend, for telling me about God, thank you for saving me." I said kissing every inch of his face with every every sentence that came out of my mouth.

He leaned down grabbing my lips and kissing me again, against my lips he spoke, "I love you too Jenny. I love you so much." He smiled and I smiled back just wanting to be connected to him forever. He leaned his whole body weight on mine, burying his face in my neck. I kissed his forehead.

"Sleep, Jenny." His warm breathe tickled my neck as he spoke.

He continued, "Tomorrow, I'm going to show you just how much you mean to me."

I smiled giddily, running my fingers through this soft hair and digging my nails into his scalp loving the sound of content that fell from his lips when I did that.

I couldn't wait.

There's the end of that.
Thank you for sticking around.
I love you but God loves you more baby
Keep smiling, you have won
Idee 💐

Unfortunately this is the end of the story of Jenny and Jake. Though not everything is going to be rainbows and unicorns in the coming years for them but they will persevere.

God never fails on his promises, and will be there for them till the end.

Whatever you're going through in life, God brings someone that will impact your life in one way or the other. Be kind, show love and smile always. It's not the end of the line for you. You still have a beautiful life ahead of you.

The God who started a good work in you, will finish and perfect it in you. He has plans for you that you can only dream of

Ephesians 3:20 KJV
[20] Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

I love you all and I will love to hear your stories on how God came through for you when you thought all hope was lost.

If you ever need to talk, message me here, I'll be here to listen. I'm your friend, I will not judge you. I hope one day and someday when we meet, we'll smile at each other because we know we helped saved each other.

I love you.
(So much)

God bless you and keep you till the end. :)

...Now have some unicorns, cupcakes and ice cream for being so brave and making it till the end.🎂🍰🧁🍥🥮🍦🍨🦄🦄🦄
And don't forget to check out my other books and go to churchhh

With all my love,

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