Chapter 19

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"Jenny is one of the most brilliant little girls in this establishment," Mrs Rose, her first grade class teacher told her mother. Jenny sat with her friend Angel, coloring some pictures on the desk and felt so proud when she overheard what her class teacher had said.

"Why are you smiling? You look weird." Angel said when she saw her friend smiling at her pictures.

Jenny glanced at her and bared her teeth in an even bigger smile causing Angel to gasp. "Stopppp." Angel whined, "That's weirdddd."

Jenny laughed and noticed her mother was motioning for her to come to her. Jenny happily swung her school bag over her shoulder and waved at her friend goodbye before bounding to her mother. Jenny's mom held her hand and exchanged goodbyes with her teacher and they left the school.

"What did miss Rose say?"

Jenny's mother tried to look or acted confused a bit, "I don't know what you mean Jenny. Why would miss Rose say anything?"

Jenny crossed her arms as she watched her mom unlock the car door, "Mom. I'm not dumb."

Jenny's mom laughed, "Of course not honey." She stared at her mom expecting her to continue but she just continued driving with a small smile on her face. Jenny huffed.

"Well I heard what Mrs Rose said."

"Did you?"

"Yes." She crossed her arm. "But I won't tell you because you're mean. I'll tell daddy."

The older woman chuckled. "Okay honey." She drove and parked by a nearby park. "Well honey, your mean mom packed you food to eat." She reached into the backseat and got a bag full of food and dropped it in her daughters lap, who beamed brightly. "I have to get a few things from the store. The food should keep you occupied. Remember don't open the doors for nobody and stay in the car. I'll be quick."

"Okay mommy. I got it."

"Stay in the car, alright?"

"Yes mommy."

Jenny's mother looked her over before leaving the car. Jenny watched her go into the store before digging into her food. They did this everyday whenever her mom came to pick her up. It wasn't new that she had to stay in the car. Today particularly, was different. There was a chill in the air. It was starting to get dark but since the food was finished, Jenny played with her mom's phone. Her mom won't be happy but she was bored.

Someone passed the car that made her look up from the phone, it looked very much like... her daddy. She tried calling for him but since she was in the car, he couldn't hear her. She tried opening the door but she couldn't get it open until she manually opened the door.

She stumbled out, rushing to go see her dad. This road was a little deserted but she wasn't scared. Her dad was around. She followed his shadow into every corner calling out his name but it seemed he couldn't hear her.

She finally caught up to him and saw him overlooking a river. She also noticed they were above a high bridge. She happily snuck up to him and hugged his knees.


He turned around to face her and Jenny was shocked, "Daddy? Why are you crying?"

Her father looked at her as if absorbing her features before pulling her into a tight hug. He collapsed to the ground with her in his arms.


"My darling. How was school today?" He said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Jenny noticed it looked sad though. Nevertheless she was excited to tell him about school.

"It was great. I painted with Angel and Mrs rose said I was the best in school!" She was bouncing on her heel in excitement. Her dad beamed.

"Really sweetheart? That's amazing. You're my brilliant little girl." He said hugging her close. "My little girl." He whispered before sobbing into her hair.

"I'm so sorry. I can do this anymore. I'm sorry, my darling. Please forgive me." He muttered. Jenny was genuinely worried now. Should she go get mom? Her mommy has told her that if she sees her daddy acting weird, she should tell her mom. She didn't understand why but she didn't ask questions, just nodded like an obedient daughter that she was.

"Daddy what happened? Did someone upset you?"

He pulled away, "Oh no. My darling. Nothing happened. I'm sorry baby."

"Do you want me to get mom? She told me to wait in the car."

Her looked somber again. "Your mother. My Mel. I'm so sorry baby. I'm sorry. I love you. I'm sorry. Tell her I'm sorry Jenny. I'm so sorry." He started to move backwards towards the edge of the bridge.

"Daddy?" She rushed towards him feeling the overwhelming urge to cry as well because he was crying. "Why are you sorry daddy? Are you leaving?"

He pushed her away, shaking his head. "I'm sorry."


She watched her dad climb the edge of the bridge. He looked terrified but he had a smile on his face, like he knew he wasn't going to be scared no more. Jenny was a brilliant girl. She knew what was happening or rather, what was going to happened.

"Daddy?" Her tears flowed freely now as she watched him. She was terrified, "M-Mummy said not to c-climb high things. We could get hurt."

"Tell your mother I love her." He said as tears streamed down his face as well.

"I love you babygirl."

She ran to reach him before he could fall but it was too late. "DADDY!!!" She ran and climbed the edge trying to spot her father but she couldn't. She climbed over to try to spot her father,


"Jenny!" Jenny was suddenly yanked down and was spun around facing her furious mother, "what on earth are you doing? Do you want to get yourself killed?!"

"Dad...Daddy's down there," Jenny wailed, "h-he fell."

Jenny's mom suddenly gasped and paled. Her face in Realisation. Her knees went weak but she forced her self to run down the bridge, not really noticing her daughter following behind her.

"Mark!!!" Her mom yelled when they got to the bank of the river. "Mark please! You promised me you wouldn't do this!!"

Her mom entered the river where the water got to her chest. "Mark! Please!" She said sobbing. She looked at the bank and saw her confused daughter and went over to her.

Jenny watched her mother cry and went to sit next to her. She knew she needed to be strong for her mom. "Daddy told me to tell you that he loves you."

Jenny's mom stared at her for her words and then looked away.

That day Jenny lost her daddy physically and her mummy emotionally.

A few years later, her mom remarried a monster and a few months after died of overdose after being sick for months.

End of flashback

She's had it tough honestly. I can't imagine. :(((

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