Chapter 8

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I was sitting on the sofa with Jake and we were watching a Jim Carrey movie. There was a particular scene when i burst out laughing and Jake looked at me in surprise. I tried ignoring his look but he was sitting like a foot away from me. I wouldn't mind if he got closer and when I questioned why he sat so far away, he said he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable or that he was smothering me.

I didn't know what to say to that so I said nothing but I could feel my cheeks heating up because of the intensity of his gaze.

I turned to look at him but he quickly looked at the TV as if he wasn't looking at me in the first place. I smiled at that and turned back to look at the TV although I could still feel his gaze.

When the sun had gone down completely, he took me to the backyard where there was a pool and we both sat at the edge and looked up at the stars in silence. It was peaceful. Though it seemed somewhat romantic, it was far from it.  My mind went into the darker areas and it seemed like he was thinking too.

"Can we play a game?" he asked quietly.

I nodded hesitantly, "What game?"

"20 questions but it won't be too personal, I promise."

I thought about it before nodding. He smiled, "What's your full name?"

"Jenny Grace McCarty." I said, "What about you?"

"Jacob Aiden Parker." I nodded.

"Siblings?" he asked.

"No. I'm an only child."

"I have a little brother who's at Soccer camp right now."

"Does he stay here with you?"

"Yeah he does. He'll be back in about a week. Okay, uh... Favorite color?"

"Purple. You?"


"Hobbies?" I asked this time.

"I'm good at art. I paint, sketch, carve. I play the piano."

I perked up, "Really? I've always wanted to learn to play the piano."

"I could teach you. It's quite easy."

"No it isn't." I laughed a little, "I've tried to learn trust me. It's impossible."

"Maybe you just need a really good teacher." he smirked.

I quirked a brow, "Like yourself, I assume?"

He winked, "You know it. What about you? What do you love to do?" I thought about it really hard but came up short.

"Um... I can make really good coffee?"

He smiled, "Sweetie I mean talents, something you were born with."

"Uh, I think I can sing... I guess," he chuckled and shook his head, his hair flopping into his eyes and I resisted the urge to push them back.

"You guess?"

"I haven't had anyone listen to me sing before." I blushed at his gaze.  He seemed like he wanted to ask a question but he decided against it.

"Well that's why I'm here for you milady." he did a mock bow and I laughed. "Sing for me, Jenny."

"Oh, I'm not sure if it's good."

He hushed me, "I'm sure your voice is beautiful. Sing for me."


"Can I sing for you then?"

"You can sing?"

He stood to his feet, "C'mon." I stood to my feet and took my hand and dragged me to wherever he was going.  I looked down at my hand that was occupying his.  My hand looked so small and delicate in his big ones. I felt safe.

He opened a door with contained multiple musical instruments but in the middle sat a black piano.

I squealed. Weird, I know but I couldn't help myself. I sat myself on the seats and giggled excitedly. Jake was leaning against the entrance watching me and I blushed in embarrassment. He walked over and sat next to me. I gasped at our close proximity but said nothing. He smiled.

"What do you want me to play for you?" he asked.


"Tell me what you want, Jenny. I know you have a tune in mind."

I smiled. How did he know? "The soundtrack from la-la land that Ryan Gosling played in the movie."

His eyes twinkled, "You like the movie?"

"I love the movie even though I have only watched it once."


I shrugged, "No time." and it was true when I had that job.  I worked from morning till night and just went to bed when I got back. I was often very tired.

Jake nodded. He looked down at the keyboard and played. The sounds came out in harmony that I found myself sighing and laying my head on his shoulder as he played. I could feel his shoulders muscles tensing from playing. My mind suddenly teleported to where everything made sense. My mom and dad still alive and happily dating the boy beside me. That was a fantasy I wished will come true even though I knew it wasn't possible. The piece ended and we just sat there. My head on his shoulder and his head resting on mine. I was at peace right here.

"That was beautiful." I whispered.

"Thank you. I still want to sing for you, okay?" I nodded sleepily and he chuckled, "But I guess that's for another day. Let's get you to bed. "

He stood to his feet and picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest. When we got to his room he carefully dropped me on his soft bed and pulled the covers over me. I felt him brush my hair away from my face before he left.

I succumbed to sleep.

An extra update because I feel bad about updating late and also because I love y'all so much. Please click the star below, it inspires me. I love y'all (and I'm saying it again if you didn't hear me earlier. :)

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