Chapter 9

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I jumped from bed, my entire body was shaking. I didn't have a nightmare this time, it was just the attacks that have gotten to me since I haven't had them in like three days. I looked around and realized I wasn't at home. I was at Jake's. That thought made me panic more.

I stumbled out of bed shakily. I realized that I was probably making a lot of noise but I didn't care right now. I needed my pills.

I stumbled into his bathroom all the while shaking as cold sweat engulfed my body. I wanted to scream but It felt like something was choking me.  I couldn't breathe.

I opened his cabinet and pushed everything aside and to the floor looking for my pills. I didn't find it.  I checked the other drawers but I found nothing. I couldn't find my pills.

Suddenly I was engulfed and I saw the cabinet getting further and further away from me. I panicked and I thrashed around screaming, kicking and scratching until I was leg go of and I fell to the floor in a heap.

I scurried into a corner of the room, falling a lamp on the process. I wrapped my arms around my legs and I tried to block the voices which were suddenly louder than ever.  I rocked myself and curled into a ball.  I jumped when I felt something warm wrap around my shoulders. A blanket.

I looked up and I saw Jake. He was close but far enough to ensure that I don't panic. I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't. My hair was wet and greasy with sweat. I was sweating all over and I felt the overwhelming urge to cry.  His mouth was moving too but I couldn't hear anything. I was too busy focusing on his eyes. They never left mine and I noticed him inch closer and closer to me.

When his skin touched mine, I didn't flinch. He was still staring at me and I him but I felt so calm now that It seemed almost ridiculous. His arms circled around my shoulders and he tugged me to him. My face found his chest as I hugged him tighter. He pulled me back again to look at me as his eyes searched my face.  He brushed my hair away from my eyes and his lips connected with my forehead. It was very quick but it felt like it lasted forever. He pulled me back into him and whispered, "You're fine."

We stayed like that for thirty minutes. He was leaning against the wall and I was cradled on his lap while he stroked my hair.

Suddenly he stood up with me in his arms and entered his bathroom. The shower was already running and he put his arm inside to feel the temperature. He looked at me and requested with his eyes. 

"May I?"

I nodded.

He took my shirt off and my shorts and I was left in my underwear in front of him but the fact that I was half naked in front of him didn't matter right now. There was nothing sexual about how he took my clothes off. He didn't even glance down once and because of that I fully trusted him. I was wearing a bra underneath to sleep because I was in someone else's home. If I was at my apartment I wouldn't want to restrict myself that way. Jake took his shirt off too but left his pajama shorts on and helped me under the shower.

Once the hot water touched my skin, I instantly relaxed and slumped into him. I was exhausted. His arm went around my shoulders and his fingers drew circles on my shoulder. My arms were around his waist.  We stayed there until the hot water ran cold. He gently removed my arms from around his waist and wrapped a big fluffy towel around me. He got another one and quickly dried himself up a bit before picking me up again and taking me back to the bedroom.

With the towel he used to dry himself, he quickly brushed it through my hair to dry it quickly. With the towel wrapped around me, he picked up his shirt and pulled it through my head until I was fully in it before he took the towel away. I looked down at myself, his shirt came down to my mid thigh. He smiled at me softly, "Take off your wet underwear,  I'll get you something to wear." he said before leaving the room.

I quickly took off my underwear and bra and I suddenly felt awkward because I didn't know what to do with them.  I got my shirt and wrapped them inside the shirt.

He walked back in with a small smile and gave me a gray sweatpant to put on. He turned around and I put them on. It was way too big on me. He looked me over before smiling. "let's get you to bed."

He directed me to the bed but I stopped him, "W-What about my clothes?" I said, my voice sounding hoarse because this was the first time I spoke after crying and screaming.

"I'll put them in the wash for you, don't worry about it."

He pushed me down on the bed and put the blanket over me before brushing the hair out of my face.

"T-Thank you J-Jake."

"It's no problem." he smiled. I suddenly felt guilty.

"I told you I had issues." I shook my head, "I never should have stayed."

"Shh, Jenny." he smiled at me and i felt all warm and fuzzy inside, "we'll talk about this later. Just get some rest, okay?"

I nodded but I wasn't relaxed anymore. I didn't want to talk to him about what's wrong with me and why I'm this way. I couldn't. "Will you stay with me?"

He looked shocked that I offered but smiled, "Sure." I relaxed into the bed. He sat down on the floor next to the bed and I looked at him in confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"Staying with you." he smirked.

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

"Nope." he said popping the p.

I was confused even more, "Why?" I was prying and I know I should stop but I was curious.

"I'm done sleeping for the day."

"Oh. I'm sorry if I woke–"

"You didn't. I was awake." he interrupted. I nodded. I wanted to ask why he was awake but I didn't want to pry. As If reading my thoughts he spoke.


Oh. I nodded at him but I didn't know what to say. So he had his own problems too.

"Thanks for everything."

"You're welcome. Go to bed.  Goodnight Jenny."

"Goodnight Jake."

Enjoy. Don't forget to click the star

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