Chapter 21

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I turned into a hard warm surface, feeling warm. I opened my heavy eyes and met firm chest. It was rumbling as he spoke and I knew it was Jake. There were other people in the room with them and I really just wanted to disappear. Jake was blocking the view of the people in the room.

The voices of Shane and Mac were everywhere, maybe they were the only ones here. I scooted closer to Jake so no one would see me and then there was suddenly a loud voice above my head.

"Is the sleepyhead up yet?"


"Wake up, wake up, wake up." Shane sang trying to pry the thing that was shielding her from the cold. It smelled like Jakes shirt. I groaned.

"Stop, stop. Let her be." She heard Jakes voice though it sounded like he was laughing. At me. I opened my eyes and glared at him. He laughed when he noticed my glare. I sat up beside him and rubbed my face, not really caring but when I opened my eyes and saw Troy, Karen, who I believed was Jake's little brother because I've never seen him before, Mac and the nurse all looking at me with amused faces, I wanted nothing more than to disappear off the face of the earth. I let out a squeak and fell back into the bed beside Jake and everybody laughed. My face had never felt hotter.

"Alright Everyone, I think we should let them be now." Mac spoke being the hero in my story. Shane mumbled and stomped out yelling out a dramatic 'I'll be back' Karen winked at me and Troy followed behind her sending a salute. Mac walked forward and kissed Jakes forehead tenderly.

"Get well soon. Call if you need anything."

"I will." Jake smiled and looked at his little brother, "See you later. Don't give Mac trouble."

I saw Jake's little brother do something with his hands something I recognize as Sign language and Jake laughed. I don't know ASL but it had been on my wishlist to learn until life kicked me in the groin.

"I know, I know but still." Jake laughed. His brother rolled his eyes and signed one last thing.

"Bye. Love you." Jake answered.

He signed back but didn't look at Jake and both of them left. The room was Quiet. I felt Jake's arm wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. I remembered how we ended up like this. I had finally spilled the beans and though I was relieved to tell someone else about my demons, I was scared of what he might think. Deciding to change the subject for now, I muttered into his chest.

"Your brother?"

"Vocally challenged. Since birth." Jake said without hesitancy. The felt his chest vibrating as he spoke. I looked up at him to decipher how he felt about the situation. He was already looking at me. His hazel eyes sparkling.

"What's his name?"


I gave him a little smile and he smiled back. I pulled myself up so our faces were on the same level as we stared at each other. His hazel eyes staring into my blue ones. We were chest to chest. That close.

"Hi." I whispered. His lips curled into a soft smile as his hands reached out and caressed my cheeks.

"Hey." He responded, "How are you feeling?"

"Relieved." I answered truthfully, "How do you feel about me now? Do you hate me?"

He seemed alarmed that I asked that and grabbed my said my before flipping us over on the bed. With me underneath him and him above me.

"Don't hurt yourself." I said, worried that he will pull something or open a wound. There was still a bandage across his face but he seemed to be getting better.

"I could never hate you, Jenny. Not for anything."

"B-But my Story—"

"Do you know what I got from your story? A strong beautiful girl that always pulls through. I'm glad I was there that night. I'm glad I pulled you to safety. I'm glad you feel better about yourself. I believe God led me there to help you and I couldn't have been happier. Just know I will never let anything happen to you, Jenny. You're too precious for me to let go just like that."

Tears fell as I watched the boy above me speak with so much sincerity and honesty that I thanked God I met him. An ugly sob fell from my mouth when I wanted to thank him for being here and that turned into even uglier sob and then I was wailing like a baby. Feeling love that I have never experienced. Jake kissed my forehead and fell to my side before gathering me into his arms. I cried and cried and cried... into Jake's arm and he watched me cry without judgement or words.

"I wanted to jump, Jake!" He said nothing but I knew he was hearing me and from the way his arms tightened around me I know he felt what I was feeling. "When I hurt you, I ran back to the bridge like a coward but I couldn't bring myself to jump. I only saw you and I didn't want you to hurt anymore. You stopped me from jumping not once Jake but twice and then I decided if I didn't have anything to live for, I would live for you!"

Jake suddenly sobbed into my hair, cradling me into him and that broke my heart. We both cried that night. We were both vulnerable not to ourself but to each other. As he told me not to cry while crying into my hair. I realized something. I loved Jake. I don't care what anyone will say but I knew I did. Who else could explain this feeling? Jake was my other half. I could feel it. He was so in sync with my emotions and feelings and I was to his too. No one could tell me otherwise.

I love him.

I love Jake.

And as we fell asleep, holding onto each other like our life depended on it. There was no doubt in my heart that this was the work of God. He brought us together.

Thank you lord for that.

We woke up to bright smiles on each other faces as we pointed out whose face was more swollen with joy in our hearts.

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