Chapter 11

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What was that supposed to mean?

I was sitting all alone in my apartment that smelled of booze. I cleaned up a while ago but the apartment still reeked of it. Thank goodness, he didn't ask to come in because I honestly doubt I'll say no after he's done so much for me.

Right now, like two hours later. I was still pondering what he had said to me. It sounded like a saying of some sort from Shakespeare's time. After he said that quote or comment or whatever, the only thing he said was to take care of myself and I should pick up my phone when he calls because if I don't, he'll come over and make sure I pick it.

I knew he was scared I was going to hurt myself. Hell, i was scared too. I didn't know what I wanted anymore. I only knew one thing, I wanted Jake in my life.

I don't know why. I just do.

My phone chimed as a call came in. I saw Your Angel flashing across my screen.  I immediately knew it was Jake. I shook my head slightly and answered.


"Jenny." I tried to ignore how fast my heart started beating just by hearing him say my name.

"Jake." I said sounding breathless, "it's been two hours. This is the seventh time you've called."

"I know. I know. Sorry." he sighed, "pick up when I call you." he said and hung up.

This guy was the strangest guy I have ever met.

Hours later, the moon was up in the sky. The apartment wasn't smelling of booze anymore since I aired it out. But because I was back in a familiar environment, I began having the urge to do something. The voices were speaking but it wasn't too clear. I was trying my best to block them out. I decided to channel that restless energy by cooking.

I didn't like cooking but I wanted to make something healthy and try to get back the weight I had lost. I knew I looked like a skeleton. I checked out some YouTube videos of some fancy meals on my laptop and I was halfway through when my doorbell rang. I jumped.

Who was it? My stepfather? I stood in front of the door just stating at it as the knocking continued. I suddenly had the urge to cry but the voice on the other side calmed me down.

"Jenny? It's Jake."

I hurriedly opened the door and jumped into his arms in relief. He didn't expect that and stumbled a bit.

"Hey," he stroked my hair and held me tighter. He sounded really relieved, "Are you okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I thought you were someone else." I said but immediately caught myself.  He looked at me with furrowed brows as if asking what I meant. I just wiped my eyes and stepped aside to let him in, "Come in."

He walked in and took his shoes and jacket off. He looked around the apartment and I began to feel self conscious. My eyes swiped around to see if I left something misplaced.

"I like your apartment."

I looked around my apartment and decided that he had to be lying about liking the apartment. It was bland and plain. Stains of beer were on the carpet and couch. I felt really self-councilors about my apartment because his apartment was so nice. "Thanks." I uttered just to let it go, "What are you doing here?"

"I called you twice. You didn't pick up, so I'm here." he said doing a little jazz hands as he laughed sheepishly. I frowned at that and went to get my phone.

It was on silent and I walked out to meet Jake, "Sorry, it was on silent and really, Jake, twice? I'm seeing 9 missed calls from you and the 9th one was from like 5 minutes ago."

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