„She's not with you?" 

„No, we got separated, we were supposed to meet here. I'm not going without her." 

„John B, listen to me. I know you don't want to leave her here, but you have to go. You have enough gas and enough food. You can make it." JJ was trying to convince him to go. He explained to him which way to go, and where to hide. John B got into the boat. „Hey guys, I'm sorry for what I caused with this treasure hunt." 

„It's fine John B, we would find ourselves troubles somewhere else." 

„Y/n are you coming with me? I think there is lot of space for one more." John B turned around at his sister. 

„Yeah you should go cupcake. I promised I would keep you safe, this is probably the best option now." 

„Okay." Y/n hugged JJ and climbed onto the boat next to her brother. It was a very emotional moment. They were crying, JJ, Kiara and Pope hugging. 

„Okay guys go. See you in two months in Mexico." Pope told them. 

„Hey guys? Tell Sarah I say goodbye." Y/n felt sorry for her brother. She saw that he really love Sarah. 

They left, trying to escape from the cops and upcoming storm. They were passing some piers, listening to the local news about the progress of the storm. „We really have to get out of here John B." 


„John B! John B!" They heard someone screaming. It was Sarah, running down on one of these piers. He looked over at his sister in disbelief. „Stop the freaking boat bro!" He stopped by the dock and Sarah jumped inside of the boat. 

„You weren't where we agreed, I thought you're not coming." She just went to him and kissed him. „You wanted to leave without saying goodbye?" 

Y/n knew at the moment she saw Sarah that she is going to leave her spot to her. So while they were kissing and greeting each other she climbed out of the boat. 

„I'm sorry, I thought you cannot come and I couldn't wait. I took y/n with me." He turned around to look at his sister but she wasn't there. He was confused when he saw he on the pier. „Y/n what are you doing? We have to go." 

„You should go guys." 

„Y/n no." Sarah looked at her when she realized what was going on. 

„Come on sis, we can all go together." 

„No John B, there is enough food only for two, so you could get somewhere safe. I can stay here." 

John B climbed from the boat to give his sister a hug. „I'm sorry." 

„It's fine. I'll be fine. You have to go John B." He said his goodbye to his sister and got back into the boat. 

„Be safe guys." 

„Thanks y/n." Sarah waved at her as they moved away from the dock. Y/n was just watching them. A thunder snapped her out of her thoughts, she need to get out of there. She didn't even make it to the end of the pier when a police car stopped there. „Oh shit." 

„Hands up young lady." A police officer got out of the car. She did as he said, he took her and shoved her into the car. „This is deputy Donovan, I have the Routledge girl. I repeat I have the Routledge girl." 

He took her to the main interrogation site. „Let's go, into that tent on the left." She walked in and saw JJ, Kie and Pope sitting there. „Y/n!" JJ jumped from his seat and pulled her into a hug. 

„What are you doing here? Where is John B?" he whispered so the cops wouldn't hear them. 

„He's fine. Sarah is with him." He pulled away and she just nodded. She quietly told the others that her brother is fine. 

Out of nowhere the cops started running around, JJ sneaked out of the tent. „It's Phantom! It's them!" He run back into the tent. „Hey, sit down and don't move!" a cop yelled at them. 

„They're gonna make it. They have to." He sat back next to Y/n, she was just nodding, too scared about her brothers life. They left them there, no one told them a thing, they just made them wait. 

After what felt like hours Shoupe showed up. „Did you find them?" Pope asked him. 


„So they got away?" Kiara had a hint of hope in her voice. Shoupe was clearly nervous. „We lost them. I'm sorry." 

„What do you mean you lost them? Like they are gone?" Pope was getting frustrated. 

„No, no, no, no, no, no." Y/n ran hands through her hair. 

„They took the boat to and open sea in tropical depression Pope." 

„Are they dead?" 

„We don't know." 

„It's your fault. You drove them right into that storm." Y/n snapped at Shoupe. 

„You son of a- I'm gonna kill you!" JJ started screaming at him, trying to punch him, but the officers around stopped him. They were yelling at each other, but y/n was numb. The world around her went silent. She felt sick. Her brother is dead. 

She saw Kiara's and Pope's parents walking into the tent. She had no one. Her mother didn't care about her, her father is dead and now her twin brother as well. 

„Y/n." She looked up and saw JJ falling apart in front of her. She pulled him into a hug. He wrapped hands around her body, holding her tight crying into her shoulder. They stood there in that hug, until they told them they can go home now. Kie and Pope went home with their parents, JJ and Y/n didn't really had a family to return to, so they went to the Chateau. 

As she walked inside of the house, seeing all the stuff there which belonged to her brother and father, police tapes and the mess she made, she realized, she has no idea what is she supposed to do now. 


Kook or Pogue? // JJ and Rafe x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum