A fair-skinned woman in her early forties, despite her age she still shined brightly. One won't believe that she was a mother of seven, her slim and slender figure made it hard to believe. She was a typical example of a second-generation chaebol heiress. Everything about her revolves around wealth and power.

The boys sighed, their eyes wandering down to their oldest.

"Hyung I think you made her angry," Jungkook said switching seats next to the oldest.

"Hyung are you ok? You seem all tense" Jimin asked.

Jin sighed ruffling his hair.

"I am fine! Sorry guys about earlier, I think I went too far" He apologized as he looked up to them with a small smile pasted on his lips.

Yoongi shook his head in disagreement,

"If you didn't do it, for a moment there I was planning on doing it. You don't have to feel wrong, you stood up for us"

"That's right hyung," Namjoon said with a smile.

"I love the idea of having another dad but if you guys are against it, I think I should also tag along and disagree with it" Jungkook muttered unsure whether to say it or not.

Jin chuckled his eyes looked down at the youngest,

"Are you that happy?" He asked with an amusing smile.

Jungkook bit his lips and gave out a small nod.

"Jungkook, you must be kidding me" Taehyung called out.

"What's there to be happy about? You are getting a real stranger for a dad and you are here all smiling?" Jimin chipped in his brows furrowed.

"I know but you guys can't blame me for wanting to know how a father's love feels like"

"Having a dad isn't that great you know?" Namjoon said in a monotone.

"Guys come on, it's just the way he feels, and don't get all angst on him for expressing his feelings," Jin said stopping further bickering.

"You guys sound this way because you had time to spend with our father and you still got the memory of how he looks like but my case is entirely different. He died when I was barely six, how do you expect me to feel? I know it doesn't make sense but I can't help but have mixed feelings about this" 

Everywhere went silent, all speechless at the moment and stranded on words.

"Jungkook you are already seventeen, you should stop whining and forget about it besides you are not a kid"  Yoongi stated smoothly

"I am seventeen doesn't mean I don't crave it any longer. Even if it is for a day I want to rekindle those feelings, is it that hard to ask for or another pointless whining of mine? "

Jin let out a small chuckle to ease the tension while throwing a look at the blonde male.

"Jungkook that's not what Yoongi meant, he is just worried that you might be”

"Hyung, please stop! I know what he means and you don't have to sugar-coat it" He cut Jin off.

Hoseok nudged the older male, whispering to his hearing.

"Do you have to put it that way hyung? You made him angry"

"I was just saying the truth" He muttered.

"You should have put it in another way, you know how he is when it comes to our childhood"

"I think you should apologize hyung," Namjoon said in a low-key tone.

Yoongi cleared his throat grabbing the other's attention.

"Hmm Kook, that's not how I meant it. You know how you get it when it comes to things like this, I didn't want you, you know getting hurt by this. I am sorry if that hurt your feeling"

"Forget it hyung, you were only saying the truth" 

Jungkook stood up, grabbing his phone.

"I will be in my room" He excused himself leaving the sitting room.

"I have never wanted to punch you as much as I do now, did you have to say that?" Jin said throwing an invisible punch at the blonde male.

"Hyung maybe we should just let go and give this man a chance to be our stepdad, if not for anything let's do it for Jungkook, and from the looks of things, I think Mom is happy with the remarriage" Jimin reasoned.

"It won't hurt if we give it a trial, we don't have to accept him but we can, you know tolerate it," Hoseok said.

"That means condoning a stranger, are you guys up for the task?" Jin queried.

"Let's watch and see the outcome"

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