Chapter- 10

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Jisoo's P.O.V:

My day is already in all sort of mess and jumpscares but someone has already placed one more token of jumpscare on my table.

I pick the small box from my desk with a black bow on it... shady, my brow furrowing even more like I am having problems with my eyesight. I open it and get greet with a small cushion which is showcasing and attached with a shimmering diamond bracelet clad in.... rose gold jewellery!? The heck? This shit's damn expensive!! When did this came on my table??

Hah I know probably when the lights went outs and that creep.... "SO HE LEFT THIS?" I questioned it out loud in panic. How can I not get? It's too much shit to take in a single day. I look around and sigh in relief finding myself alone.

I didn't pay attention but there's a familiar yet beautiful scent surrounding the whole box as soon as I open it.

Of course... how can I forget this scent? It's very close to the scent of bodywash I use... no it's same as my bodywash scent... it's lavender.

Is this a coincidence? It's better be coz how in the world would anyone know my scen? Nope, it might be added by the jeweller as customary he bought this bracelet from.

"Oh.. the jeweller!" I whisper as I hurrily  examine the box for a clue but first I take out that small decor cushion which was hooked with the expensive asf bracelet. I unhook the bracelet from cushion and bingo!

The jeweller showroom, it's address and number details are all imprinted on the small cushion with gold calligraphy. Good that's some information I need.

Author's P.O.V:

Jisoo reads the jewellery brand's name in an amused whisper "J.K. and Sons?"  She knows this filthy rich brand very well, of course as a jewellery deigner she has knowledge of handful jewellers,  there brands and database of there sales as well. Pretty obsessive but it's normal to keep knowledge on interesting facts about there own profession, but Jisoo knows slightly more, she digs it.

Jisoo takes a seat on her desk chair not straining her legs from stress more. "
"This brand? One of the leading brands in the world which has there several showrooms in each country worldwide." Jisoo mumbles like the google encyclopedia of the brand gawking at the delicate rose gold piece.

Not gonna lie this brand is a rolemodel brand for Jisoo, not because of the fame  that the brands holds but because of such real life masterpieces, the brand's produce, Jisoo is always excited to see the new collections by this brand every four seasons of the year.

She wanna make such masterpieces as well and maybe work with the brand someday. But right now, she just can't believe that she's holding one of the art of J.K. and Sons. and to top the charts of her misery, it's left by a creepy stranger for her! How romantic!

She never bought one from there before, heck she never even bought any jewellery for herself before.

Well, she just makes it for herself if she needs, it's less costly, enhance her artwork and she likes to wear her style of ornaments made organically by her own.

Jisoo snaps away from her thoughts and glance away from of the delicate art but still holding the bracelet carefully, that bastard's choice is decent... I will give him that. She notice one fabric at the edge of the box, Jisoo digs her fingers inside to touch... it's a soft paper handkerchief in white.

She takes it out carefully, unfold it. Something's written there. Jisoo gulps folding it back again, too afraid to read what the weirdo has written there, her palms sweaty again. She keeps the paper on table, takes her handkerchief out to wipe off the cold sweat so that the soft paper doesn't get ruin and holds that paper again.

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