"If it wasnt you then who told the kids who jumped me about my family huh?" Katsuki turned back to meet my eyes, his eyes were like crimson, brighter then blood though. He glanced down, noticing the bandages littering my arms and legs, along with the few smaller bandages on his face.

"Who was it?" His voice was firm as he spoke, he honestly looked as though he could kill someone. I stood up fully, turning my head to the side before responding to the fuming boy.

"Why do you care? I delt with them anyway." By the time I looked back, my eyes only met with the small movment of a door being closed. He left, Katsuki had left. What was the point of that anyway? Just to stop me from questioning Tachihara? That reminded me

"Hey squirt." I turned back to look at the smaller boy "what do you know about me that I don't?" The boy flinched, eyes locked with mine as if studying them before responding with an answer of actual value.

"There was a guy I met, he mentioned your name and said if I were to cross paths with you, that I was to do everything in my power to get you to leave." Tachihara fiddled with his fingers as he spoke. "You fit the description, so I just said what people told me to get me to leave."

My eyes softened at that, so he really didn't know? He was bullied for being quirkless, I knew that much. So when he told me I didn't belong, he was just repeating the words of his bullies?

"Tachihara, what did the guy look like?" I bent down to face the smaller boy. Note to self, Gon was right, I really should start having normal conversations with people before I attempt to beat them up.

"He was tall, had yellow eyes, and he wore a black mask and gloves" Tachihara seemed to think about it a bit before nodding, as if to agree with himself. "Yeah, and he was creepy too."

"Then why the fuck did you listen to him?!" I stood up, turning on my heel to leave. The smaller boy mumbled something about not wanting to be killed in a back alley but I didn't really pay attention as I was already out the door.

How did this masked freak even know about me? I'd get if I was recognized after the sports festival, but this kid approached me before I even tried out for the damn school. Clearly he knows his shit.

I made my ways down the halls of the school, stopping at the teachers lounge and knocking on the doors. AssMight answered, and I completely ignored his existence, pushing past him and walking inside, despite his shouts saying I wasn't allowed in there. I walked over to the corner to be met with a small yellow sleeping bag with a caterpillar inside.

"Hey, teach" I spoke, kneeling down to try and get the guys attention. "So, you know how you're the one who said I am to be expelled if I dont go to the entire Internships and all?" Aizawa rolled to one side, glaring daggers in my direction. I took that as an acceptance to continue. "So, can't I just intern here with you or whatever?"

"Let me sleep." He rolled over, facing the wall in his little cocoon. I groaned, standing up straight and walking to the door.

"Guess I'm being expelled then." I whistled, opening the door, continuing to ignore the creepy asshat of a hero yelling in my direction. Aizawa sat up in his sleeping bag, still glaring.

"Fine. Just stop talking." I raised a brow, smirking slightly. "Please?" I clapped my hands together gingerly and left the room with a wave.

"You got it, teach!" I quickly smiled and ran off, slowing as I began to walk down the halls of UA. So, Talk to Tachihara? Check. Find an internship? Check! Pick up new gadgets from the support course? Che-....fuck.

I mentally slapped myself before making my way back to the sound of the explosions. The door was still on the ground, busted up would be an understatement. I peeked around the corner of the open wall and shouted out.

"Tachihara! Pass over the new toys!!" I watched as he glanced down at the table in front of him, picking up two items before turning around and tossing each one in my direction. I caught them all with ease, though I seemed to have worried the pink haired girl, seeing as she shouted something about her babies being damaged. "Thanks squirt!" I stuck out my tongue before ducking down just in time to avoid another item being thrown at my face.

"Take these ones yourself." Tachihara grumbled, pointing to the ground where a new set of yo-yos sat, as if awaiting my arrival. I smirked, he can't pick them up. I sighed, walking into the room and easily picking up the toy, much to the shock of the smaller boy.

I soon left, swinging one of the yo-yo's up and down before I found myself at the entrance to the school and began walking down the steps as I examined the other gadgets in my hand, I placed the yo-yo in my pocket. The first item was like a bracelet, it was black, laced with small blue lines etched into the sides. I slipped it onto my wrist as I left the school premises.

There was a small click as it closed the gap between itself and my skin. Other than that, nothing interesting happened, so I ignored it for the meantime as I moved to the next item, turning a corner as I walked down the street.

The second was a hair clip, it matched the bracelet, being tangled in the blue swirls. I honestly should have asked for a rundown on the gadgets, but there is no way I am going back there for a third time.

I stepped up onto the front porch of the house, eyeing the doorknob before reaching and turning it. It opened with ease, why was it unlocked? I sighed, now that I think about it, Aya most likely forgot to lock the door after she got home from work, yeah. The door creaked open, revealing the small home immersed in darkness. The light from the windows was enough to see the wreckage the place was left in.

"I'm home idiot" I spoke, but was given no response. I didn't bother taking my shoes off, or even closing the door. I stumbled into the home, taking in the mess. The small bookshelf in the living room no longer stood upwards, the couch was flipped with the cushions on the other half of the room. There were books covering the floor, alone with broken glass from a lamp that once sat upon the shelf.

I glanced at the kitchen, cupboards were flung open, one of which was hanging from a thread as if it was ripped off the hinges. There were broken plates, cups, you name it. Everything was in shambles.

"Aya?!" Worried is an understatement, unless the idiot decided to do some redecorating, but stopped halfway. But then again that's highly unlikely. It wasn't until I looked at the hallway to the bedrooms that my eyes widened. The wall at the end of the wall had markings of bullets littering it. I panicked when my eyes landed on Aya's room in particular.

The door was wide open.

Words: 2019

Apologies for the shorter chapter, but I needed to leave it on a cliffhanger of course ;)

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