She looked at the glass piece in her palm. It was hurting, but she didn't felt a thing. She pulled it out, it wasn't a big cut but blood started pouring out of it immediately. She didn't do anything about it, she was just sitting there, and let it flow. Her friends finally showed up. 

„Y/n? Oh my god, what happened here?" Kiara walked in, examining the mess y/n made. JJ noticed y/n sitting there, in her own pool of blood. He quickly grabbed a clean towel and ran to her. 

„Hey cupcake." He told y/n while grabbing her palm and putting a pressure on it with the towel. She didn't even flinch. He looked at Kiara and Pope over his shoulder, not really sure what to do or say. 

„Do you know where my brother is?" She was looking horrible. „He should be hiding somewhere with Sarah. We are supposed to meet with him tommorow on the deck and we are going to leave this place." JJ explained to her still holding her hand. 

With the other hand he slowly grabbed her cheek with his palm and made her to look up at him. „Are you okay cupcake?" a single tear falling down her cheek was the answer he needed. 

„Come here." He pulled her up from the floor and embraced her in tight hug. „It's going to be fine, okay? We just have to wait until tommorow, and then I'm going to take you away from this place okay? I'm going to take care of you." JJ soothing her and stroking her back, she hid her face into his shoulder. 

He pulled away from her and sought her gaze. „Okay love, we have to get out of here. Any moment cops could show up and we don't want them to caught us. Kie could you take her some clean clothes? We have to go." Kiara nodded and ran to y/n's room to take her something to change. JJ helped her outside and into the car. They were sitting together in the back, y/n in JJ's arms, and Kie was driving. He was whispering comforting words to her. 

They decided to go to The Wreck, hoping no one would be looking there. Y/n took a shower and Pope was helping her with the wound in the back. 

„What happened between you and Kiara?" She asked him. He looked a bit surprised at her. „What? 

"I may be out of it, but I'm not blind." He let out a sigh. „I got high and told her I'm in love with her." 

„Finally." She grinned at him. 

„You knew?" 

„Of course I knew, you are my friend and I can see the way you look at her. What did she said to you?" He didn't answer her, but she saw the pain in his eyes. He was finished with the bandage and turned around to wash his hands. „She told me she does not want this. Me. And this life."

 „Oh Pope, I'm so sorry." Y/n got up and turned him around, he was crying. „Come here." She hugged him tightly. „You're a great guy Pope, and you will definitely find someone worth your love. Now you are not going to show her, how much she hurted you. Okay?" Y/n loved Kiara but seeing Pope like this made her really angry at her friend. 

„Yeah." He nodded and wiped away his tears, taking y/n around shoulders and going to the front of the restaurant with her.

They explained her the plan to steal JJ's dad's boat and bring it to sea, making a exit way for John B. After his going to be safe they will try to find a way to prove he's innocent. After that they were sitting in silence listening to the sirens of police cars. 

„Y/n what were you doing at the runway with Rafe?" Kiara was the first one to broke the silence.

 „Uhm- he met me and told me to get in the car, that Ward wants to talk to me, that there were some issue in the house or something like that. Instead he took me to the runway. I think they wanted some kind of leverage againts John B, so they took me." 

„We were looking for you." JJ told her. 

„Yeah, we even went to their house." Pope finished. 

„Thanks guys. They were holding me there, but Ward then told me I can go, because no one is going to believe me anyway. I was running all over the island trying to find any of you. I ended at the Chateau. I was really angry and frustrated so I needed to get it out." She told them while looking at her bandaged hand. 

„Well we're together now and you're safe. I'm never letting them near you cupcake, trust me." Y/n smiled at her best friend. They all found themselves a place to sleep, y/n laid down with JJ.

 He was hugging her, trying to make her safe as possible. 

And it was working. 


Hello loves! I hope you're enjoying the drama going on. Anyway I wanted to thank you all, because we hit 1k reads! Thank you so much, it really means a lot. 

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