Chapter 93: Vol2 Chapter 33

Start from the beginning

Without saying a word she walked past him and went outside. The cold air made her cool down a bit. This man, what was he doing to her?

Looking behind she was thankful that he didn't follow her. Carefully she sat down on a bench. How was she supposed to live like this? In the same house as a man that made her imagine things that is forbidden for a maiden like her. She had to find some other place to stay but she wouldn't be able to find anything if she only stayed in this place.

Her gaze fell on the iron gate. Yes, she needed to leave for a while and see the life outside.

The iron gate was heavy and hard to push open but at last, she succeeded. Now if she only had a horse it would be much easier to get acquainted with the area but unfortunately, she had to walk.

Despite having been walking for a good while Klara still didn't come across a house, a market, or anywhere she could find people. She had been walking alone among trees and bushes and looking ahead it seemed like she wouldn't meet anyone soon. Why did they live so far from the city and the people Klara wondered, and would she be able to find her way back?

She touched her chest to see if she was still wearing the necklace Irene gave her and she was. Now she didn't have to worry about not finding her way back.

Klara walked through the woods but she seemed to get nowhere and soon she was becoming tired. Just as she was about to give up and sit down somewhere she heard some footsteps. Finally someone. Maybe she was nearing the city or a village and she could ask for direction.

Klara looked to where the sound came from and saw a man walking from a distance. "Excuse me,�� She called approaching the man but froze in place when he turned and looked at her.

What on earth? This man looked frightening. His skin was too pale, almost turning blue or maybe purple and his lips were black. Klara thought that maybe he was just sick and tried to not be intimidated despite the crazed look in his eyes.

"What is a young beautiful lady like you doing here alone in the woods?" He asked looking her up and down.

"I am..." She abruptly stopped when she felt someone behind her. Turning around she realized that she was surrounded by strange-looking men. They all had those black lips. One of them even had a black tongue as he licked his lips while scanning her body.

"Zul, what a nice meal you have found us." One of them spoke.

Klara's legs trembled when she realized that they had pointed teeth while speaking of her as a meal.

"Not nice brother. Delicious." The one behind her corrected him.

Oh god, were they going to eat her?

They encircled her, closing in on her slowly.

Their eyes turned red and Klara had to blink several times to make sure she wasn't losing her mind. Adrenaline flooded through her veins making her heart beat harder and faster as if it wanted to jump out of her chest. Her eyes widened with fear and she wanted to run but her legs refused. She knew she couldn't just stand there if she wanted to live. She had to do something.

The necklace. Klara reached for it but it wasn't around her neck. Her heart pumped even faster realizing the danger she was in, adrenaline kicked in harder and she turned around hastily punching the one behind her in the face then kneeing him in the stomach. When he doubled over in pain she pushed past him and ran as fast as she could without looking back.

She ran so fast she stumbled and fell but picked herself up quickly and continued running. Suddenly out of nowhere someone appeared in front of her but it was too late to stop herself from running into him and falling back.

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