"Why are you making that face?"

"It's just that she's divorced now and I don't want her to be in the middle of our relationship like she was in college. Whenever we'd hangout, she'd be there." Ayesha admitted, although I'm pretty sure it was the other way around. I mean, Alani was my girlfriend first, but Ayesha doesn't know that.

"Aren't you happy I reconnected with my best friend thought? 10 years is a really long time to go without having that relationship."

Ayesha nodded. "I know. Just tell her that I'm happy for her and I wish I could be there to celebrate."

"Will do." I leaned in to peck her lips.

"See you soon, baby. I love you."

"Love you too." I said then walked over to Canon in this high chair to say goodbye to him.

"Be good for mommy, little man." I kissed his forehead.

"Girls! It's time to go!"

A few seconds later they came running down the stairs.

"Say bye to mommy." I said and the girl's facial expressions dropped.

Oh gosh, here we go.

After the girls stopped crying and said goodbye to their mom, we made our way to the car. I strapped them to their car seats and we were on our way.

Alani's store is only 30 minutes away.

"Daddy, are we close to the surprise yet?" Ryan asks.

"We're almost there."

"Can you please give a clue, Dad? A little one please." Riley begged.

"Ok fine." I caved. "You will be getting some pretty clothes."

"So we're going to the store?" Riley asks with a blank expression.

This girl.

"Not just any store. The funnest store in Oakland. And a friend of mine owns it." I said.

"A boy or a girl?" Ryan asks.

"A girl. She's been my best friend since we were about Ryan's age."

"Wow!" Riley exclaimed. "That's a really long time."

I nodded.

"Is she pretty?" Ryan asks.

"Uhh, I guess."

Don't get me wrong, Alani is gorgeous but I just don't know if I should call another woman beautiful in front of them.

"Is she prettier than mommy?"

Bruh, what the hell?

"No, Riley." I said, to avoid going back and forth with my very opinionated little girl.

"Good, cause no one is prettier than mommy. She's the prettiest in the whole wide world." Ri boasts.

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