
"I'm hungry," I say.

"Same," Will says.

"Would Jordan let me borrow his car?" I ask Will. I wouldn't consider myself the best driver, but I'm a pretty decent one.

"Ask him," Will tells me.

I get up and walk to the room. I open the door and scream.

"JOOOOOOOOORRRRRDAAAAAN!!" I scream really loudly.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU NEED?!?!" He yells back and he looks pretty pissed.

"Can I borrow your car?" I ask politely.

"Knock yourself out," he replies as he goes back to sleep.

I smirk and walk out of the room into the living area. I tell Will to get dressed again because we're going out. Once he's changed I grab Jordan's keys and walk out of the apartment. Where would he park his car? We walk around the apartment complex for many minutes looking for Jordan's car. When we finally find Jordan's 2009 black Saturn Sky I am so relieved. Holy shit this is a really nice car. It's a convertible oh my jesus. I wouldn't mind driving this all the time.

I get in the drivers seat and Will gets into the passenger seat. I have to drive because one, in the UK they drive on the left side of the road, and two, Will does not have a drivers license in America. He is not allowed to drive here.

"Where are we going?" Will says as I start the engine.

"Krispy Kreme then we're going to other places," I reply with a smile.

"What?! Isn't Jordan going to be mad?" He looks concerned.

"Relax Will, they're all too tired to notice we have atleast 4 hours until they wake up," I try to ease his concern. Will stares at me blankly.

I then ignore him and continue to drive to Krispy Kreme.


Will's P.O.V

At Crispy Creme, Crispy Cream, Krispy Kream.. WHATEVER THE HELL IT'S CALLED... Lexi buys a box of regular glazed donuts. While we're eating our donuts were sitting inside of a booth with red leather chairs and white table. I can't comprehend the way Lexi looks right now, she looks fucking beautiful. The way she's staring at me with a small smile growing at the side of her lips, her brown eyes shining perfectly, and the way her hair frames her face. She is completely stunning... and I can't believe I'm able to call her mine.


Lexi is holding my hand while we drive around Seattle. I don't know where she's going, but I don't care. She pulls into the highway but it turns out there is a huge amount of traffic. 20 Minutes later she pulls up to a taco truck.

"Didn't we just eat?" I question.

"Yeah," She stares at me with a straight face.

"Aren't you full?!?!" I comment.

"I'm sorry Will, I don't have a thin body like you and there's always room for Mexican," She replies and I look down at my thin figure. "You've never had Mexican right?" I shake my head no.

Lexi goes into her small bag she brought with her and takes out her vlogging camera and a wallet. She smirks at me while she turns her camera on.

"Okay guys! Will has never had Mexican food, and we're at a Mexican Food Truck right now," She gives me a death glare and looks back at her recording. "And I am honored to be the first one to witness this."

We hop out of Jordan's car and walk over to the food truck. Lexi orders something called "Carne Asada." When we get our order Lexi tells me to hold the taco next to my face. I don't know why but it's kind've awkward.

"Uhh Lexi why am I-" She cuts me off and kisses me on the cheek while I'm still holding the taco. Awkward right?

"Thumbnail!!" She screams excitedly. Oh Lexi. Good news, this ones for the memory books, she vlogged the whole thing.

I take my phone out while eating my taco. Holy shit, this is good. I go on Twitter and get the photo Lexi took and post it on Twitter.

'Lexi <3 (P.S. Sneak peek at a video coming out on Lexi's channel)'

I attach the photo with the tweet and my notifications start blowing up

@idekgraza: omgomgomg goals #Wixi #LillTongGamess

@minkiftz: woah get it will ;)

@xBayani: You both better get your asses back to the house with my car.

Shit Jordan's up. I tell Lexi and we rush back out to Jordan's car and go back to the house.


We walk in to see Emmalie and Jordan making out.

Wait, where's Alyssa?!

Authors note:

The most boring chapter EVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRR! But hey we can see there's some heat between Jordan and Emmalie, well c'mon we all knew there was some tension between them *cough cough* Emmalie sleeping in Jordan's bed, and wearing his shirt. That's like double trouble right there oml. THE HEAT IS REEEEEAAAAAAAAALLLL!

I'm so sorry I'm holding off on this story so much. It's because...


(It's a GrapeAppleSauce fanfic for all you Grapey lovers out there c; )

But I'm so sorry. It's not going to be released until this story is finished I am pre-writing 5 chapters in the Grape Story so I have something to release while I take a break, because I am in dsperate need of one. Wait.. that means THIS STORY IS COMING TO AN END SOON OMG :c

Teaser: Guess who's coming the next day? Matt, Nathan, and WHOOOOO?!?!

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