The Leaders

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"Cap!" came Vi, Miyeon and Terry's cries of relief as the group of nine finally reached the ATINY and clambered aboard. The ship shook violently once more as another cannonball rocketed over from The Catastrophe and slammed into Terry's barrier. Yeosang quickly rushed over to the practically unconscious witch, pushing him gently aside and taking over. The Magikal shield shimmered purple as Yeosang's mana fed into it instead.

Captain Hongjoong wasted no time in barking out orders: Miyeon to take Terry down to first aid along with Seonghwa – should Doctor Juyeong need his help – and Narcia for her safety; Jongho to come with him to the quarterdeck to help sail the ATINY away, and Vi and the rest of ATEEZ to make their way belowdecks to man the guns. Once everyone had dispersed, the captain nodded grimly at Jongho, and the two rushed off for the helm.

"Turn the sails!" Hongjoong yelled to the crew members still above-deck. "We're getting out of this hellhole!"

Those on the sails reacted immediately to the captain's orders, tugging on the thick ropes with an expertise only months of experience could buy. With a large creak, the ATINY's sails shifted directions.

"Yeosang, I'm gonna need you to concentrate extra hard!" Hongjoong called. "We can't have our ATINY sinking!"

"Aye, aye, captain!" grunted Yeosang, sweat already forming on his brow.

"Alright then – let it rip, Jongho," Hongjoong muttered, and the maknae nodded.

Wind blasted the sails as Hongjoong jerked the wheel to the right. Groaning from the depths of her hull, the ATINY began to turn, her bowsprit slowly turning to face The Catastrophe, and then some more. At the same time, Yeosang's shield shifted, following the ATINY's path.

The ATINY did a full one-eighty, and great shuddering BOOMs lit up her side as Magik-infused cannons fired at The Catastrophe.

"GO, GO, GO!"

Jongho concentrated, and the ATINY started to move forwards.

The crew members below-deck began to emerge from the trapdoor one by one, starting from Wooyoung, whooping and cheering. They had the treasure, Cezanne was dead, and they were finally escaping her desperate clutches.

But those of The Catastrophe had other ideas.

Lighting up with a mixture of colours, likening to that of a deranged rainbow, the enemy ship began to speed up – right in the direction of the ATINY and her crew.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Wooyoung screeched. "I thought Cezanne's bitches were meant to be nothing without her!"

"Apparently not," Seonghwa said as he joined the rest of the crew in fearfully waiting to see if The Catastrophe would catch up. "Terry's recovering well, by the way," he said to the captain. "Juyeong-hyung's fixing him up. Narcia's with them, too. Doc won't let her out of his sight even if he died, so it'll be alright."

"Good," Hongjoong nodded, but he kept his tense eye on The Catastrophe. Thankfully, whatever Magik Cezanne's crew were using wasn't enough, and it seemed the ATINY would get away before it managed to catch up.

Until he heard Jongho's exasperated 'FUCK!' and felt the jolt of the ship beneath him as she came to an abrupt stop.

"I ran out of mana again, godsdamnit!" Jongho swore, speeding down the steps from the quarterdeck. "Used too much getting here. Where are the mana potions?"

"Uh, fuck, we used too many on Terry!" Vi cried. "Hold up, they're in the hold!" And in a flurry, the elf disappeared belowdecks.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew prepared for the inevitable, final battle that was to come.

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