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"Watchu got there?" Yunho asked as he bounded over to Mingi, who was standing at the edge of the deck, by the railing, something cradled in his hands.

Mingi turned, and Yunho saw that it was a rock – probably one of the many that had been gifted to him by Wooyoung. It was relatively medium-sized, and coloured a burnt terracotta, with one side darker than the other.

"My pet rock," Mingi said, almost proudly.

"Pet rock?" Yunho said, laughing. "Don't tell me you're one of those weirdos that name a rock and feed it and take it on walks like an actual pet and all that."

"No," Mingi said, pouting, "I'm not like those people, I just like this rock significantly more than the rest." Mingi huffed, before remembering something, and perking up, that sweet, endearing smile invading his features again. "He's called Yunho the rock, you know."


"Yeah, like you," Mingi grinned. "He's my lucky charm," the fairy said, holding the rock to his chest affectionately.

It was Yunho's turn to pout.

"What about me?" the shapeshifter asked. "What am I to you?"

"You? You're my best friend," Mingi shrugged.

Yunho fell to his knees, clutching his heart and mock-groaning.

"I can't believe it!" he wailed. "My best friend cares more about a pebble than me!"

"Aw, come on, Yuyu, don't be like that—"

"RAH!" Yunho shouted as Mingi kneeled down to comfort him, and the shapeshifter burst into laughter at his friend's reaction.

"AARGH!" Mingi screeched, flailing his arms in surprise as he fell back. His grip on Yunho the rock loosened, and the poor thing went flying over the railing, into the sea. "No!" Mingi wailed as he looked over the edge and into the murky depths of the sea. Nothing.

Yunho considered letting it stay buried at the bottom of the sea for all of eternity, but one look at his friend's despair-stricken face, and he softened, grudgingly transforming into an otter and leaping into the water.

He surfaced a moment later, Yunho the rock safely in-between his teeth, before transforming back into yuzeul form and chucking the thing onto the deck. Then turning into a seagull and flying back onto the deck, he landed, transforming back, and shook his head like a dog, sending seawater flying everywhere.

"You owe me one," the shapeshifter grumbled, "for getting me soaked like this."

"Thanks so much Yunho!" Mingi beamed, leaning forwards and hugging the shapeshifter. Yunho grudgingly patted Mingi's back, but couldn't help smiling.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the deck, San had just finished his shift on the wheel, with no difficulties, thankfully – for those headaches were actually starting to worry him – and was heading towards the rigging. With one hand firmly clasped around his aura notebook and pen, he made his way up the ropes with the other, until he reached the crow's nest of the foremast.

"Hey Yeosang," the demon said as he settled, and sat down.

"Hey San," Yeosang said, looking up.

"What's that?" San asked, looking over curiously at what was in Yeosang's hands.

"My spellbook," Yeosang answered. "Like you with your aura notebook, I was thinking of writing down everything about Magik I know – so the process of core-extraction, all the things Jo taught me – you know?"

"That sounds awesome – where'd you get the notebook from?"

"Hongjoongie-hyung gave me one," Yeosang answered. "He has loads of spares in his cabin."

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