The Simple Game Of Spinning A Bottle And Kissing Each Other

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The break didn't end there.

The crew of the ATINY spent the entirety of the next day relaxing and having fun once more, the majority spending their time in the water again as the hot weather had not learnt to relent just yet. Only a select few (namely, the 99-liners of ATEEZ) stayed out of the water, and instead decided to brave the forest that the beach fed into. Despite the ominousness of the branches hanging low, low enough that both Mingi and Yunho had to duck underneath them, and despite the aura of darkness the forest exuded, the 99-liners were determined – and curious – and marched in without much other thought, as you do.

Only when they'd almost been mauled by a bear – barely saved by Yeosang's quick thinking – then run over by a horde of wild boars did they decide that this wasn't the best idea, and made their way back out, dishevelled and dirty, with Hongjoong and Seonghwa's disapproving tuts following them as they instead took up messing around in the rock pools.

As evening approached, and the hottest hours of the day passed, Hongjoong led the crew in returning back to the ATINY.

Once everyone was safely back on the ship, Hongjoong was about to order for the anchor to be lifted and sails raised, when he felt a tug on his sleeve. Hongjoong turned, closing his mouth as the words about to come out of it froze on his tongue, and came face-to-face with Wooyoung.

"What do you want?" Hongjoong asked, regarding the rather bedraggled holin. His jet-black hair was a mess, and still a couple of sticks from the forest resided in-between the strands. Despite the fact that he had been playing in the rock pools for the better part of the afternoon, mud was still smeared over his cheek, covering up his mole; evidently the forest and its inhabitants were leaving their mark.

"Can't we have the rest of the day off?" Wooyoung asked.

"Is this because you're on the sails today?"

"Eh, a little bit—"

Hongjoong rolled his eyes.

"A little bit?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, fine, maybe not a little bit, but there are other reasons, I swear," Wooyoung said, holding up his hands as if he was trying to cast a spell to compel Hongjoong into listening. "Listen – we have a shit-ton of rum in the hold, don't we? Woojae-hyung usually uses it for flavouring and everything, but..." Wooyoung pouted, a sparkle entering his eyes. The one he only got out when he wanted something. "How about we have a little party tonight? You know, to finish the holiday off with a bang." Wooyoung finger-gunned, nudging Hongjoong and winking. "You know?"

Hongjoong sighed, putting a hand to his forehead.

"I'm really not in the mood to deal with a drunk Wooyoung right now..."

"Oh come on, stop being so uptight, Captain!" Wooyoung said, grabbing onto the captain's arm. "It'll be fun, alright? Just relax, for once!"

Hongjoong sighed again, but gave in this time as he let himself be dragged along by Wooyoung.

"Alright, alright. Fine," the captain groaned, and Wooyoung jumped up and down in glee, bouncing off to relay the good news to his friends. "Oi!" Hongjoong called and Wooyoung turned on his heel, fixing the captain with an attentive gaze – for once. "Since it was your idea, you're getting the rum out, alright?"

"Of course, Captain!" Wooyoung said, standing to attention and saluting.

Hongjoong watched the holin go with a grin on his face. Sure, Wooyoung was annoying as heck, and was the least-well behaved out of the crew members, but he had a special little charm of his own.

* * *

Woojae, the chef, had been absolutely delighted at the prospect of a dinner party, and had pulled in his helpers, Wooyoung, Seonghwa and Seungho, and his entire supply of cooking utensils in order to make the 'best meal you ever feasted your eyes on', as were his words.

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