Whispers Of The Past

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The demigod blasted the surprisingly strong and solid monster off of him with a blast of wind, and scrambled back to his feet. He chanced a look around him, and found that everyone was in disarray. Shouts, screams and strange whooshing noises lit up the air as another leapt at him. Two, actually, Jongho realised, as he blasted them backwards – the first one, for obvious reasons, wasn't dead, and wanted a taste of his flesh.

And then came an even worse realisation, as he remembered one key piece of information; one that his crewmates couldn't do without.

Whispers were poisonous.

Needle-sharp teeth were hidden beneath that placid, if not cute (though Jongho considered that a bit of a stretch) exterior, and they contained a potent poison, the deadliness of which varied depending on the person's health. And gods forbid any of his crewmates were to succumb to such a fate.

"EVERYONE!" the demigod roared, throwing yet another whisper – this time centimetres from drawing blood – off of him and chucking one of the capsules Yeosang had specially made. He didn't stop to look back and see what kind of Magik he had wreaked upon that poor thing, and battled his way through the mob of shadowy smoke creatures. "Get ready!" he yelled as he blasted himself onto the quarterdeck, and concentrated his power.

The pirates sensed what the young demigod was about to do and at once scattered. But Jongho didn't fire. Seonghwa-hyung was still there, right in the centre of everything, his Dark Energy doing little but keep all but one of the creatures away from him. The one he was battling had latched onto his arm, stark crimson streaming down it and specks of blood flew in the air as he tried to wrench it off. Finally, his other hand managed to get a hold of his gun, and he fired right into the whisper's face. It did little to damage it, but it was off him, at least.

"SEONGHWA-HYUNG!" the maknae bellowed. "Get out the way!"

The demon quickly blasted a path through the fickle creatures and made his way out of the scuffle.

Jongho, now knowing his beloved crewmates were out of harm's way, clapped his hands together, and with an almighty CRASH, gale-force wind rocked the ship and blew up the sails, inching the almighty vessel forward a couple of metres.

The whispers were blown away – quite literally – whilst the crew was stunned into silence.

But Jongho didn't pause for their admiration and he leapt down from the quarterdeck, wind lightening his fall.

"Seonghwa-hyung!" the demigod called out with concern and he briskly strode over to the demon. "You got bit, didn't you?"

"I did, but—" Seonghwa said, with some sort of confusion lacing his voice. "Look," he said, holding his arm out. The wound had completely disappeared, as if it had never been there at all. Seonghwa's (albeit a little paler than usual) skin was smooth and clean.

Jongho bit his lip, though he seemed not at all surprised.

"I'll get into that later," he said. "But Seonghwa-hyung, how's your tolerance for poison? Did they train you up or whatever in your gang?"

"Yeah," Seonghwa said, face darkening. "But that means you're saying those things are poisonous—"

He reeled back in shock, putting a hand up to his nose. Blood dribbled from it. Jongho sucked in sharply.

"That's the first side effect," he said, biting his lip. The smallest bit of blood bloomed at the corner of it as the skin split, but he paid it no mind.

"Then what can you do about it?" Hongjoong asked worriedly as he tried to help stem the flow of blood coming from his friend's nose.

"I....don't know."

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