Chapter 8 : Sukeban

Start from the beginning

"You guys go in first," I said. "I'll catch up later."

"Hah? Yukiharu where are you going?" Minami was astonished to see me leave suddenly.

"I got some business to be taken care of, don't worry it won't be long."

I ran after the girl. I saw her walking towards the back of the convenience store, perhaps wanting to take an alternative route around the park and towards the dorms. She probably doesn't want to be seen by any students who might be roaming around this place. Before the girl disappeared into the shadow of another building I called out to her.


The girl stopped and turned to me. Her pink hair seemed to blend in with the beautiful afternoon light. She was wearing a black shirt with a white jacket and her head was still adorned with her distinctive green bow. I saw her hand holding a grocery bag filled with snacks and soda. She looked at me with slight suspicion in her eyes even though she knew that I was her classmate.

 She looked at me with slight suspicion in her eyes even though she knew that I was her classmate

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"What do you want?" Nanahara asked in a curt tone.

"You didn't go to school earlier, are you sick?" actually she didn't look sick at all. I asked that for the sake of it.

"None of your business."

Why is she acting so cold? Couldn't she be kinder to me? Even though I was helping her last night. Well, she didn't know about that but still, I was her classmate. I thought she might leave if I continued to mince words, so I decided to get straight to the point.

"You don't have to worry about getting kicked out," I said. "That person won't be able to expel you."

Nanahara looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Last night you met a senpai, right?"

Nanahara fell silent and glared at me. Her gaze was like a cheetah about to pounce on its prey. It seems I made a little mistake.

"Relax, I do not have a bad intention, in fact, I intend to help."

"That bastard also said a similar line," Nanahara said coldly as she walked over. This is bad. I should have convinced her that I truly had no ill intentions. Otherwise, my crotch might be in danger.

"I'm serious," my hand immediately moved, and took my phone from my pocket. "Listen to this."

I turn up the volume and play the video I got last night. In an instant, we heard Kumoi-senpai's disgusting voice. Hopefully, this tape will soften her up.

"Oh? You just left? Aren't you afraid that your past will be exposed? The teachers probably don't really care since you haven't done anything yet, but I'm sure your classmates will probably resent you. Your high school life will not be peaceful."

"You think I care about that? They can have any opinion about me and I wouldn't give a fuck! If you want to do it, then do it! After all, nothing will ever change."

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