The door opens and it walked a young couple , giggling and holding hands. I blink several times before turning to theo who was still eating. I did not want to lose what we had. I never want to give him up.

"You okay?" , he asked , eyes wide alittle. "Yes sorry-", I gulp and fidget with my cutlery. "You sure baby? ", he held my hand and I sigh. "I just , I don't want to lose you ", I whisper shyly and he smirked. "Anastasia- I'm not going anywhere. I'm yours", he drew my hand to his lips , pressing a kiss to it. "You shouldn't even be having those thoughts my love. I have never given you a reason to doubt the way I feel about you", he kept my hand in his and I sigh, knowing he was right. "I -", he chewed his lower lip ,cheeks slowly turning crimson. I felt his hand tighten around mine.

"I've never been in love Anastasia. And I know you think I don't like you enough to use those words but - I'm head over heels for you. If going on picnic dates and taking you to appointments, sunset drives and early morning jogs. Having you sleep in my arm while I search for movies. Cooking for each other - ", he chuckled and I smile. "If doing all that for a year has made me the happiest man , then I'd want to spend the rest of my life achieving goals together and being this cute ,genuine couple", he kissed my hand again.

"If this is what love feels like then - fuck yes. I will admit to loving you wholeheartedly ", the soft smile and twinkle in his eyes as he proclaimed his love made me tear up and smile like a fool. "Fuck-", he laughed , getting off his chair and making his way to me. Clasping my face , he pressed his lips to mine. Why everyone cheered left me clueless. Did they think he proposed? We couldn't help but laugh.


Theo is was reason I have no regrets.

10 : 21 am
Conference room

"Please make yourselves comfortable. Mr Taylor will be here shorty and he will lead the way to the place where the meeting will be held".

The 9 clients all flash their smiles and thank me as I walk out. The stupid p.a had been clinging to Mr Taylor since we got to work. Steffi was right- they were probably fucking and thats why I had to do her damn job while she played nurse with him. I had to rush to conference room 4 , making sure everything was in order. If something went south during the meeting then I'd be blamed for it.

"Is everything done?", I ask Cole who was setting up the projector. "Almost Mrs Sanders ", I frown at his response. "Don't sulk pretty lady. You're hot either way but we both know you and I will be a great couple someday ", he winked and I internally puked. "Listen , I will personally kick your balls into your throat. I'm in no mood for your disgusting flirts", I point my index at him. Like always - Cole brushed it off , stepping away from the projector. "Is it done?", I drum the doorframe with my fingertips. "Yes mam", he pretended to swipe invisible sweat from his brow.

"I'll inform Mr Taylor ", I leave the prick behind and head to the elevator. Mr Taylor was still occupied with work in his office. We wouldn't want the clients to get bored and think we're unprofessional. The doors shut and I watch the flashing lights as it halt on the 7th floor. I was practically running to his office.

I wouldn't want him calling me out and saying I'm the irresponsible one. My feet slow down as I hear loud moans seeping out the crack in the office door. I tried my best not to make a squeak as I leaned in closer , peeping through the half open door.

"Fuck- harder daddy".

My hand flew over my mouth as I watch Mr Taylor fucking someone on his desk. Paperwork scattered on the floor. His coat tossed aside. My eyes widen as I watch the girl lay on the table , legs over his shoulders. Was I seeing right? I blink several times - hoping , praying to be wrong.


Avery and Mr Taylor?

No way. She wouldn't. I mean she's clearly being fucked by him as I have these racing thoughts. All this time we blamed Bridget. How and why would she keep this from us? Was she afraid we'd judge her ? Because he was married man ? Her boss? Stepping back- I do a few breathing exercises before slowly heading back to the elevator. I needed to catch my breath. This was all too much. Should I tell Steffi? That would break her heart. I felt hurt thinking I encouraged her to share her feelings with Avery.

She was the quiet one in the group. The one having boyfriend issues. This was massive but it was her secret and burden to bare. I doubt Mr Taylor would divorce his wife for her. She was probably just a random fuck buddy when he was bored.

Was he using her?

The elevator pinged and I get off on the ground floor. Was this the eerie feeling? Catching Avery be Mr Taylor's whore? I felt sick. My stomach doing backflips. Believe me - I was not judging her. My past was not any different. But Steffi was inlove with her and Avery was fucking up her life for what? A few good fucks? Gifts? Special attention?

"Anastasia-" , I halt , looking around before spotting Steffi at my desk. I swallow the lump in my throat and head to her. "Aren't you working?" , I force a smile and she shakes her head. "I'm waiting for Avery. She's cleaning out her desk-", she rolled her eyes and I tried hard not to make any awkward expressions. "There's this hot guy who showed up -", she stood from my chair, leaning on the desk , trying to find the guy. "Tall , dark hair, slim waist , he's so fucking hot. I think he's another client", she wiggled her brows. "What?", I swat her arm and she squealed. "What? Hook up with him. It's not like theo found his balls and decided to officially make you his girlfriend ", she grumbled.

He did say he loved me.

"We're taking it slow", I whisper.

I hadn't mentioned my past to them. They had no clue I was a divorced woman who lost her memory and her fallopian tubes. Fucked up past. A shipwreck I didn't wish to return too.

"There he is -", she pointed at the man in a green suit. Oh he was handsome but I was not interested. "He looks good", I flick up a thumb and she nod in agreement. "Oh there's Mr Taylor's whore-", she nudged me as Bridget escorted the man to the elevator. "I don't think he's into her", my voice trailed and Steffi scoffs. "Where are your glasses? Put them on. He's clearly fucking her", she lifts her bag when Avery showed. "Ready to leave ?", she was limping but Steffi hadn't noticed. "You okay?", I ask and she was quick to nod. "Stubbed my toe", she lied. Wow - she was actually a great liar. How long has she been keeping their relationship a secret?

"Get some rest ", I choose not to interrogate. I already knew the truth. "I will -", she smiled. "We'll see you on Monday, bitch", Steffi hugged me and I sigh. "I've got a busy day-", I pout as they laughed, waving and walking out. Crossing my arms over my chest - I pace back to the elevator.

Mr Taylor requested me to join the meeting. Since Avery was gone , he would probably be making his way to meet his clients. The doors ping and slide open. My stomach still felt twisty. I hated this feeling. My heart raced for no reason at all. As if my organs had gathered and began to play my heart like bongos. Just stop already...

The doors ping again and slowly began to close.

"Hold the lift!", a voice shout but I remain against the silver wall, knowing very well the doors would shut before either one of us stopped it. Besides I was in no mood to make conversation with a stranger.

I flinch as his hand jammed before the doors shut. Eyes wide when they part at his mercy. Our eyes meeting - he had a frown on his face but immediately vanished when he stared alittle too long at my startled face. He sighed loudly and smirked.


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