Episode 27: The Chunnin Exams: Izumi vs. Dosu!

Comincia dall'inizio

Izumi, ready to go again, flashed in front of Dosu, flinging kunai at him with paper explosives tied to the strings.

As a result, they displayed the mist that had begun to obscure his surroundings. He looked up and didn't know that a shower of wind and ice was coming down above his head like comets.

As Izumi came back at Dosu, she delivered multiple hits to his shoulders. She grabbed his shirt material and smashed him below the ground, forming a hole.

Dosu's form remained unconscious, and the referee looked to see whether he could get up, while Izumi was heaving air.

She stood steady despite her dizziness. A hand suddenly seized her ankle and threw her in mid-air, causing her to gasp.

Dosu drew her face towards him and absorbed her chakra, utilizing all of the sound waves as they returned to him. He then made a shrieking sound that reverberated in her ears.

"Ahhh!" Izumi yelled in anguish because she couldn't see or hear anything. She fell to her knees and shuddered faintly, clutching herself.

The multitude of spectators stared in terror at their fellow people.

The Rookie 13 members distributed across the audience displayed stress and concern for their friend.

Even the Sand Siblings, sans Gaara, were concerned for her.

"That is it. I'm going down there!" Naruto gritted his teeth in frustration.

"It's not your fight. There is nothing you can do. As much as I'd like to help Iz, she'll be disqualified if we do anything." Shikamaru explained.

His gaze shifted to his best friend, 'C'mon Iz. 'Don't die on us now!' Shikamaru reflected, his eyes more concerned than before.

Dosu glanced down at her, saying, "That's what happens when you underestimate a strong ninja. Now that you are unable to move, I can just finish you with a lullaby."

Izumi made an inaudible murmur as she clasped her hands together to signify something. "Ninja Art: Hurricane Jutsu."

Dosu's eyes widened in surprise as several trees and pebbles swirled about in a spiral. The materials were gathered together with humid water, resulting in a storm over the sky.

Izumi used a different hand gesture, drawing a circle around his ankles and wrists. He tries to release himself but has no chakra left.

"It's useless. Once you're in my trap, you'll have to submit to the cyclone-" Izumi paused for a second when a wicked voice interrupted her.

"How determined you were to say that when you had let your guard down," Dosu commented, advancing her.

When she turned to look behind her, he punched her three times with his right arm, creating sound waves again.

The sound waves completely pulled the small pieces of fabric from her outfit.

She suffered significant injuries to her left ankle and right ribs with no way to repair them. She rose up and panted, listening to her heartbeat.

'You can do it, Izumi. I know you can,' Leviathan replied in her head.

"I have no choice left," she responded seriously.

'It doesn't matter if you have a choice. Concentrate on the remaining chakra. This is a milestone in becoming a True Spirit,' he continued.

"I suppose it won't hurt," Izumi chuckled.

'You will not regret this. I promise,' Leviathan's voice vanished as Izumi comprehended the jutsu that she had mastered.

"Awakening Jutsu: King of the Sea!" She chanted.

The ground began to tremble, shaking the entire stadium while the others regained their balance. An gigantic figure arrived in a wave of water, surprising them to say the least.

Everyone was stunned, particularly Gaara, whose eyes widened at the sight.

"How did she do that?!" Temari questioned.

"Have no idea. But one thing is for certain. She's stronger than we thought."  Kankuro responded.

Back in the field, Dosu's gaze was fixed on the flying dragon, which transformed into a massive cannon fireball directed at him.

Leviathan utilized his Canon Ball ability to fire orbs of icy water at Dosu.

Dosu avoided them but suffered frostbite on his right leg, leaving a wound.

Izumi flashed from north to south, east to west, giving the impression that she was about to attack from underneath. This caused him to lose focus because she kept switching back and forth as a distraction.

Dosu realized she had knocked him out in the front and immediately kicked him in the ground with the right heel of her foot.

Dosu sighed as his body was immobilized, his gaze shifted directly above her. "Well played, Suoh. "Well played." His voice was raspy as he lost consciousness.

Izumi continued to pant with each breath she took before lowering to her knees to rest. Everyone was speechless at what had just occurred. There were no more words to offer, but their expressions toward them were priceless.

Naruto and the others were still stunned as they waited for the referee to answer. He walked between them, making a loud declaration to the fatigued blonde-haired. "The winner of this match is Izumi Suoh!"

The crowd cued in applause, cheers, and of course, the whistles from several guys.

Choji clapped and Ino shouted with delight. "Yay! Woohoo! Yes, Izumi! You did it!"

Kiba and Akamaru both shouted, Tenten offered a supportive clap because she respected her more after saving Lee in the hospital, and Hinata clapped and smiled.

Naruto jumped for joy and screamed so loudly that Shikamaru nearly lost hearing. "Yeah! You finally kicked his ass!"

Aside from nearly losing one of his six senses, Shikamaru applauded and cheered in admiration of his best friend's might. "Damn, Izumi. You could have told me about the dragon," he mumbled.

Kankuro and Temari were also applauding the girl, while Gaara stood by there, staring at her.

He still desired Sasuke's blood, but he wanted hers even more now that he had witnessed her full potential.

She began to stagger up onto the platform alongside the other contestants and smiled faintly at Shikamaru. "I think you're next, my friend.."

"Yeah. What a drag. After seeing you and that sound ninja, I'm not sure I want to do this anymore," he sighed

Izumi's eyes expanded. "You're not giving up before you've even begun are you?!"

Shikamaru shrugged. "Maybe I should."

Naruto observed his response and complained. "Hey, Shikamaru! You are not going to back out of this, you hear?! If Izumi and I can do it, then you can too! Now get down there!" He gave Shikamaru a push, causing him to fall to the ground.

Izumi's eyes narrowed with worry. "Shikamaru! Are you alright?!"

Shikamaru raised his thumb. "Just peachy... I'll manage.." he exclaimed.

Izumi glared at Naruto. "Well, you didn't have to do that. Shikamaru would've—"

"I don't care what Shikamaru would have done! We just need to keep this rolling!  Besides, he's up against the girl with the buns." He pointed downward.

Izumi met his sight to find Temari down on the other side. Her brow raised as she smirked. "Well....this is gonna get interesting then..." she murmured to herself.

(WIP)The Hidden Dragon Chronicles: Series 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora