
I made it a whole hour.
I should congratulate myself.

Shaking my head , I smile at my reflection in the large mirror hung up in the bathroom. The restroom was always a safe haven when I needed to escape the negative energy. Her friends were the spawn of Satan. They had been passing snarky comments and mocking me indirectly. Reece hadn't left my side but I just wanted to go home.

"Oh sorry-", I turn to see hailey standing at the now open door. "Why are you apologizing? It's your home", I smile and dry up my wet hands. "Just assumed the guest bathroom would be empty-", she returned the smile which didn't reach her eyes. "I'm done ", I say . "That's a pretty outfit ", she made conversation while entering and washing her hands. That was random? "Thank you ", I respond and turn to leave but she doesn't stop. "You know - papa was supposed to give me this home as a wedding gift-", she dried her hands then placed them on her slim waist.

"You're blessed", I speak the truth. "Some would prefer the term 'spoiled brat' " , she grinned. I did not know how to respond to that. "Well - I prefer blessed ", I say and step back to leave but SHE GOES ON. "I turned down the gift. Reece is too proud to accept such", she sighed out . "He's not proud . He's just an independent man", I don't hesitate for a second to stand up for him. She simply brushed it off ,gesturing for me to follow her.

"I told papa , I'd accept this gift when there'd be a little me involved. When I fell pregnant, I told no one", I continue to follow her down the long passage. Portraits hung up on the high walls were stealing my attention. "I had miscarried the baby -", we halt infront of a closed door. "But papa had been building this all along-", her hand squeezed the handle alittle before she pushed it open. I follow her inside and gasp when the lights flick on.

"A nursery ", I whisper, instinctively placing my hand over my belly. My heart clenched to the extent in which I felt puke crawling up my throat and my airways being shut. "I truly believed Reece and I will be forever. I hate coming in here -", she paced around the room while I made my way to the crib. It was so beautiful. So innocent . The thought of never having to experience this broke my soul.

The thought of taking this from hailey hurt even more.

"I don't know why Reece was so quick to pack up our marriage and move on. But I'm still inlove with him. We weren't the perfect couple but I still believed we could have been something great if he had only allowed us to grow-", her voice trailed and I swallowed hard , stepping away from the crib.

"I'm sorry -", I croak and storm out.

Rushing down the staircase and down the hallway- I manage to successfully get out into the fresh night air. Clutching my dress , I gasp and sob hysterically. I couldn't stop. Why was this happening to me? I've never wronged anyone in all my life !

"Anastasia-", his voice made me cry harder into my palms. "Baby? What's wrong?", he pulled me into his arms and I melt against his chest. "Why are you crying?", he whispered concerned. "Can we go home?", I cling to his coat . "Ofcourse baby. Did something happen?", he walked us to the car. "I just want to go home", I grumble , clumsily wiping my cheeks with the back of my hand. "We're going baby. Just speak to me -", he opened the passenger door and I got in. He was quick to shut the door and rush around to his side.

"Hey-", he spoke , reaching over and cupping my cheek which felt as if it were on fire. "Baby - I am here", he whispered. "Reece , just drive ", I push his hand away and face the window , sobbing into my hand. I hear him sigh before the engine roared.

Why did hailey have to show me that? I place my hand over my stomach and shut my eyes. My head ached and every other organ within felt the need to explode !!!


"How long will you lie?", Theo ran a hand through his disheveled hair. Hailey rolled her eyes , tossing the teddy bear into the crib. "Until I am married again" , her response made him sigh. "When did you even get all this done? And how did your parents agree?", he held his hands behind his back and explored the nursery.

He wasn't happy about her faking a miscarriage. Her lie to get Reece back was growing and when it exploded , he did not want to be anywhere near the flames . Ofcourse he loved hailey but that didn't mean he would forever shield her lies.

He had successfully avoided Reece and Anastasia during the party. If they had seen him then it would have been game over for haileys lies.

"My parents know I love him. I'm just trying to fix what that whore broke", she snarled while smacking down the baby clothes. "I hate children ", she whispered.

Theo sighed and leaned against the wall. He was tired of seeing her hurt. But he was also tired of her choosing not to heal.

Moving on would just be best.

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