Chapter 39

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I would hear what happened later on, I'd get Holly to deal with Grace but I need to make sure Carol was safe.

There was a path I knew which lead straight home, so I tool that path while carrying Carol. She moved here and there but ultimately she stayed asleep.

I was glad that I managed to find her but  my head still thought about what I was going to do if I hadn't or if she was seriously injured. The thought alone sent a chill through my body. I pulled Carol closer to me, I couldn't lose her in any way or form.

When I got home, Holly stood outside pacing and as soon as she saw me, she ran over. "Is she okay? What happened?"

"She'll be fine." I told her more for myself than her. "I'm going to help her warm up. Can you deal with her please." I told her, briefly indicating to Grace.

Holly nodded and I went inside heading straight to my room. "Bring more fire wood into the room and a hot drink."  I told the people around me, everyone went in their respective direction.

I paused at a steps, instructing one more person. "Also, get a doctor as soon as possible." Then I left to my room.

When I got inside I put Carol on the couch, because it was closer to the fireplace. I took off her shoes and the wet, snow filled jackets. I took a thick blanket and wrapped it around her. When I finished covering Carol there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Everyone came with what I'd ask for earlier including the doctor. "Thank you, everyone." I told them and they left. The only ones left in the rooms was a sleeping Carol, me and the doctor.

While he checked Carol, I got started with the fire. Soon, a warm heat settled in the room. I sat nearby Carol and asked the Doctor.  "How is she?"

The doctor was currently checking her temperature and when he was done, he turned to give me a small smile.  "She'll be fine, as long as she stays warm. She won't catch a cold." He answered and got up. "Everythinh you've done so far will prevent the hypothermia but I do have some anti-flu mediaction she can take as well, just to be safe."

"Okay, I'll wake her up and have her take some." I said as I took the bottle of pills. "Thank you." I told the doctor.

He nodded before leaving the room.

I sighed brushing Carol's forehead gently, while thinking about how I can wake her up. I shook her shoulder gently.  She should feel more comfortable now because I took off all her wet clothing, she's covered in a large blanket and we were in a warm room.

It didn't take long before she woke up from my taps. She sat up straight, rubbing her eyes. Carol had her eyebrows furrowed, which added on to her cuteness. My heart sighed happily that she was within my reach. When she was done taking in her surroundings, knowing where she was she then look at me.

I didn't miss her outstretched hand reaching for me and then pulling back. It also seemed like she wanted to say something but bit it back

I thought that it was because of what happened and that she angrier after Grace tricked her. The first thing I thought she was going to ask is how I'd found her or how I delt with Grace, not the words she said to me.

"I'm tired, Nick. I want to go home."

I was stunned. "What?" I asked like I didn't hear her clearly. "What did you mean?"

She briefly looked at me before turning her head away from me as if to say, 'you heard me.'

I got up to where she was facing and knelt down to her, on the other side of the couch. "Carol, let's talk this out. Let's have a real conversation this time."

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