Chapter 37

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It was probably because of all the chaotic and mixed emotions I was feeling right now, because the drive back home felt really short.

The Claus house stood strong and mighty, in between the snowy mountains.

"I'll walk from here." I told the driver as soon as we made it into the driveway. He parked a good few meters away from the house. I think taking a short walk to the front door would do me some good.

I thanked the driver for today but I couldn't even get my words out properly because my nerves where off the walls. I felt like doing anything but getting inside that house. But I really need to talk to Nick, to somehow get these feelings out.

I exhaled as soon as I got out of the car and then took in a deep breath. The cold winter air was helping, a little.

I took slow, anxious steps to the door. The sound of my boots audioable in the crunchy snow. Once I reached the door, I contemplated knocking but reminded myself that I have been given keys to the house and now would be the perfect time to use them. I don't think it would be ideal confessing at the doorway... or would it? I don't know!

I fished out the keys from my bag and when I found them I unlocked the door.

"Okay, I can do this—we can do this Carol." I said to myself as I leaned againt the closed door after I got in.

I listened to hear if anyone was around and I could vaguely hear some voices upstairs. Nick was definitely home.

I walked up the stairs, my heart pounding faster with each step I took. I was now walking towards the home office because that's where I could hear Nick's voice more clearly. As I got closer and it sounded like his mother was with him.

The door wasn't full closed so i could easily hear their voices. I leaned on the wall next to the door. If anyone saw me  it would look like I was purposely eavesdropping but I wasn't. I was really just trying to gather the strength to knock on the door. Then I would just ask if I could have a minute with Nick because there was no way I was going to confess to him while his mom was there. I had a strong feeling that she wouldn't exactly celebrate the situation. So, I don't think she'd be exactly supportive if I confessed my undying love for her son in front of her.

"I can't wait to get rid of the girl." I heard my biggest fan say, on the other side of the wall. Okay, now it seemed like I was really eavesdropping. It did hurt that she disliked me so much that she wanted to 'get rid of me'–whatever that meant– but I was confident in what Nick would say in my defense. I knew there was a chance he didn't feel the same way I felt for him but I did think he respected me enough to tell his mom to just accept that I was already here, mind you with the prospect of 'marriage' in question. Because what if we were in a real relationship?

I sighed and shoke my head. This is wrong, let me just get this over with. I rose up from the wall, and stood at the door. I then raised my hand, about to knock on the door but then I heard Nick's voice.

"She's bothering me too. But don't worry she'll be gone by the end of the week." He said.

I paused. My hand frozen just a few centimeters from the door handle.

He probably doesn't mean any of that. A part of myself immediately went to defend him. Nick's just trying to get his mom of his back.

I bit my lip, pulling back my hand. I took a step back. I gave myself a minute to think.

Nick continued talking with his mom, while I was talking myself out of confessing to Nick. If this wasn't a sign to shut up and keep my feeling buried then I don't know what is.

"But I'm asking you this for the last time, Nick. Do you really not have any real feeling for Carol?" My ears perked up, my hope hopelessly high. I could feel the nerves I already had at just at the idea of confessing, just multipled.

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