Chapter 36

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We stopped kissing to get some air. I could even see my frosty breath as I breathed in and out.

Nick leaned down to me, until our foreheads were touching.

"Would you like to go see the reindeers closer?" He asked.

Neither of us spoke of the shared intimacy. But it felt like we didn't need to that both of us were full aware of how deep and real the attraction we felt for each other went.

I nodded and smiled  at him affectionately, Nick returning the smile.

It was like an unspoken conversation. We both agree that for today, for the time being we would we wouldn't think of anything external and just focus on being in each other's presence, being in the presence of someone who loves you as much as you do them.


It has been a couple of days since my date with Nick and it was literally 3 days until Christmas. It was crazy how fast time was going.

After me and Nick kissed that day, we spent the rest of the day exploring and in company of the reindeers. It was so much fun that we didn't even realise how much time had passed.

When we did go back home Nick was immediately taken away because, apparently he was not free that day, so he had to catch up on all the work he'd missed. He was so busy that we didn't even have time to at least have a meal together.

I was busy with my own schedule- example: right now I'm on my way to the Town Libary to read a Christmas story to some kids. It was part of some of the things I had to do as Nick's official partner.

I've been volunteering and speaking here and there but I haven't done anything extremely difficult. I think all or most of the heavy, serious tasks, like the bulk of the competition depended on what the actual 3 competitors do.

"We've arrived." One of the employees of the Claus household was escorting me because everyone, including Holly was busy. But I didn't mind, it was about time I started going places myself without Nick or Holly.

I got of the car. "Thank you." They nodded and I made my way inside and as most of building here, it look normal sized outside but it was casually humongous on the inside.

I actually wasn't sure where I was suppose to go.

"Miss Carol, Miss Carol!" Someone I didn't recognize was waving at me as he came towards me.

I slowly waved back and once they were near enough, I introduced myself."Hi, I'm Carol." It was obvious that they already knew my name but how else was I suppose to introduce myself. I put out my hand for him to shake.

He gladly shook my hand. "My name's Terrance. I work here at the Libary and I'm going to lead you to where the children are." He said smiling. He had normal ears, so I assumed he was human. He wore big glasses along with a knitted sweatshirt, he definitely gave off a librarian look.

I smiled back at him. "Lead the way."

As I followed Terrance to where I would be reading to the kids  he asked me how I was finding the Library so far.

"It's beautiful." I said honesty as I still looked around. "I'm sure it would take months to cover every corner of this place."

He laughed. "Maybe for an average person."

Then he began telling me about how he started working here, tips and tricks of the library. I could just by how much he spoke about it, how passionate he was for it.

"Ah, we're here." He said and we did go into a place which was much more colorful and decorated with chid appropriate posters and seating. I saw a large group of children in the middle conversing in smaller groups. Elves and humans alike.

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