❄️Chapter 3❄️

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Drinks? Forgotten. I rushed over to him and instantly grabbed the phone. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked accusingly.

"You're the one who said I should answer the phone." He replied nonchalantly, shrugging.

"Yes, but I clearly said just to tell them I'll call them back or something. Honestly, If I knew it was my mom, I wouldn't have let you answer," I said, then sat down. "You don't know my mom. She's—" I was cut off by a finger being placed on my lips.

"You didn't end the phone call," Nick said, then removed his finger and pointed to the phone in my hand, the call still running.

I ignored the tingling I felt on my lips. I pressed my lips together, they were so cold, then let out a soft breath I didn't know I was holding and stared at the phone in my hand, not wanting to deal with what was about to happen.

"Mom, Hi," I said awkwardly. "How have you been doing? How are the preparations going?" I quickly tried to divert where I knew the conversation would head.

"The preparations are going well, but don't let me disturb you. What were you about to say about me? I'm very curious," She said, sounding unamused.

"You heard that? I was just about to tell Nick how caring you are like you'd make him feel at home when we come over." I answered and saw Nick chuckling across the table.

I rolled my eyes at him it was his fault I was in this situation. His meeting with my mom sooner than later was unnecessary; I didn't want him to get too entwined with my personal life because it would just make this more awkward when this whole fake relationship was over.

"I know you're lying—" She started, then I interrupted, "Oh no, our waitress is here with our drinks! I'll call you later, love you bye." I ended the call and didn't want to think about how much she'd complain to me about how many times I did that.

"My mom calls me like 2-3 times minimum a week trying to get updates of my life specifically the romance part." I explained to Nick. "I don't know what you two were talking about, but I'd rather you don't get close to her or anyone in my life it'll be harder for them when this is over."

"Who said it'll be over anytime soon?" He said with a mischievous tone in his voice.

I raised my eyebrows at him, and he just smiled, saying, "Kidding." then started tapping his fingers on the table.

"So where are our drinks?" He asked me, then it was my time to smile, awkwardly, of course. "They ran out?" I said but it came out more as a question.

"Right, they ran out but are still willing to take more orders?" He said, pointing out the line in the Café.

I was about to say something, then he continued. "Well, I guess this all works out now. I can show you some proof, nothing drastic, but proof nonetheless." He said, leaning forward now with a glint of excitement in his eyes and a wide grin.

I looked at him suspiciously. "Of what?" I asked not wanting to say what I think he meant.

"Oh, you know." He said, still grinning. "Trust me—wait, just go with it." He said taking my hands across the table

His hands felt icy but radiated warmth in the tips of his fingers.

"Close your eyes." He instructed, looking at me straight in the eyes, and I still eyed him suspiciously, ignoring my pulse speeding up. From outside of our table, I'm sure it looked like we were praying.

"Please," he added after noticing how reluctant I was about the whole thing. Then I slowly closed my eyes and immediately asked. "Okay, now what?"

"Now, think of a drink you'd want to drink right now, literally anything." He said.

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